a video format

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by wolf19_74, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. wolf19_74

    wolf19_74 Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    ok so i have a video that a wanna burn but the video itself doesnt say what kind of format that it is in.... i found out what it is dav. so now i dont know what kind that is can someone explain? now that i know the form is there a way to burn it with nero 7 ultra edition... if nero doesnt want to recognize it?

  2. nikibilly

    nikibilly Guest

    where did you get this '.dav' file from?

    Were their any associated files that came with it? e.g.nfo file.

    Im trying to look it up, but all i can find is that it may stand for 'digital audio video', not much i know.

    erm...i say go back to where you downloaded the file and look to see if there are, for example, any .html, .txt or .nfo files that are availabe that might explain what you have to do with it.

    Also, worth mentioning, look at the sites FAQ or equivalent to read up on it.

    see (results from a google search):

    hope any of this helps!

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