I've started experimenting using the AAC codec, i was just wondering which of the two, mp3 or aac has better quality for size. At the moment i've encoded an eleven minute file in both AAC and Mp3. The AAC has a smaller size but which has better quality? Is there a way i can measure the quality between the two. Byron
At the similar bitrate AAC provides better quality than MP3. And accordingly the AAC can reach simlar quality than MP3 at lower bitrates. Using the Psytel AAC? I would start with the -extreme profile.
yer, i've been the psytel encoder on production setttings at 256 on CBR. What are your recommended settings? Byron
I am not an active AAC user, but I would start with "-extereme" as default setting, as I wrote earlier. Have tried OGG Vorbis, BTW?