I have no idea WHY, but it seems CRAPPY windows has managed to screw me over again. My friend sent me a file that i really needed via windows live messenger. When i clicked the file to open it, it said that windows had blocked the file from opening as it could be harmful. WELL GREAT, only i needed that! So i went into my recieved files, and its gone. Windows has deleted it for NO REASON. Is there a way of getting it back?
If I'm not mistaken, there is an option in MSN/WLM to keep it from doing that. I believe it has to be set on both ends to keep the file from being locked. Best way I've been able to keep files from being locked, is to have the person change the extension to an unrecognizable set of characters. Such as 001, or 002. You get the file intact, then simply change the extension back to the original.