ok, my gc was originally set to 499ohms. Took it down to 210 at the same time that i mounted the viper. Since day one i'm having problems with DRE's and i have tried 2 kinds of mini dvd's, Princo and Datawrite red. I have also tried different burner softwares and firmwares. Nothing has fixed the problem completely. But it seem that blindwrite and dvd-santa works better than nero. Today I tought I adjust the pot to it's original setting since I have never tried that. And I cant see any difference in DRE's. Is this usual or do I have to lower the laser pot even further or less? What's the most common settings for Gc's that was originally at aprox 500? I've run nero cd/dvd diskscan on the mini dvd's and some of them have read errors. and i don't expect the gc to read discs that my burner don't even read. But even on thoose that are ok i get DRE. Any toughts, ideas or directions to a shop that recycle used gamecubes? Cheers!
The laser tweak mostly has to do with making the GC able to read/use media that it couldn't before. It doesn't have much to do with DRE's which are more an issue with the cobra bios.