About me

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by dellsuck, Sep 19, 2005.

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  1. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    well i'm high schooler. i'm 10th grade. I have a problem, Everyone in the whole school hates me. I dunno why. I don't relly care if the whole school hates me. But i care about this one girl. She's pouplar i'm thinking to ask her out but i don't know her. She knows my name and i know her name but we don't know each other. So is it ok to ask her out? or should i get to know her. It seems like she's always busy with her friends at school. she's never alone so i can't talk to her. I"m not asking for advice i'm just blowing up my steam cause everyone in school hates me and this is like one of the crappest feeling in the world.
  2. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    ask her out, what could it hurt?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2006
  3. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    also teachers hate me and my parents hate me. No one relly likes me. So it's kinda hard to get a girl that i like cause everyone hates me. Just blowing up my steam. If you already finshied high school it can't be worst then me.
    People call me bumhole,Dic#head,etc. But what i hate the most is calling me stupid when i'm smarter then all of them i just don't study but when i do i'm the person who gets 100 on the test. I just hate studying. Like it takes them week to learn something and it take me one day. so i hate it when they call me stupid. I don't care if they call me bumhole or whatever. I also hate it when they call me ugly. cause i'm not ugly. where i see it i'm the hottest guy in school. that's why i go after the pouplar girl if you read the top. They just don't like me cause people hate me and they call me stupid so people think i'm dume. I'm not stupid i just don't know much things as people. but i can know more stuff if i study. It piss me off cause ugly people call me ugly and i'm best looking. well just blowing my steam. i'm just relly mad cause i go to school and get picked on and go home and get yelled at. so i have no one to compline but here. sorry you guys but i just have to tell someone.
    I KNOW YOU DON"T CARE.I'm not asking for hug or anything just blowing up my steam.
  4. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    post your picture and i'll tell you(i'm a girl)
  5. hogan

    hogan Regular member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    dellsuck here is my advice.
    If you can apply yourself and get 100% then do it. Get into the college
    of your choice. Get the best education you can and you WILL get a great paying job. Buy yourself the car of your dreams with a hottie in the riders seat. At your class reunion years later show up with a fat wallet, a hot car and a hotter wife. You will have revenge over the losers you now go to school with. Yes, it will take a few years. But most thing in life that are worth while do.
    I had a friend from high school who did just that. It was too cool to see him with everything everyone else wish they could have. But what made it better was, he wasn't bitter or rub it in their face. He was the nicest guy there. Like it was no big deal he was worth a couple million.
  6. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    good advice, do u live in the us? if you do u should be happy because u aren't ridiculed as much as you would be in other contries.
  7. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    I'm not going to post my picture online. Then people is going to know that i'm even more loser.
  8. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    I don't relly understand this high school union cause in my school that never happed. I don't see 30yrd people coming to my school some night. I don't relly need revenge i just need a best friend i can trust or the girl that i like. But i guess you never can have what you won't. If your asking why i don't date other girl if i'm good looking is cause i think it's waste of time going out with someone that i don't even like. Is like why hang out with your emeny? But girls i like never like me so i guess i would never get a GF. The suck part is i don't relly like that many people. very picky about girls. If i get lucky like now i found someone that i want to go out. Is been 3 years seen i liked someone. Like i said before girls i like doesn't like me.
  9. hogan

    hogan Regular member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    Does your school have clubs? Join a club that interests you. You will meet other people that enjoy the same thing as you. You can make a friend or two there.
  10. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    will if your asking where i eat at lunch, I don't eat i just stay in class room and read comic books. I try to hang out with people but they told me to Fuc# away.
    Why don't they like me? IS it cause i stink? is it cause i'm stupid? is it cause i'm suck a dic#? is it cause WHAT? I'm guessing my personallty sucks.
    I"m not the best looking guy in school but i'm pretty ok guy. I live in CA by the way. well i'm going to sleep and try to dream that this is all dream. I"m going to wake up and hate life torrow.
    WOw i just relized i have crappest life. I never had a good time in my life ever. Even when i was kid i was all alone. Man that sucks. They reason i sleep, watch movie ,play xbox is when i do those thing the pain goes away for that time. I don't have to worry about getting picked on torrow or people calling me names or parents yelling for no reason. That's why i sleep,and watch t.v. Is like i'm someone eles life. for that time. For all those people who say they're life sucks BUllshi$. Your life is better then mine. Only reason i'm alive is cause i don't want to go to hell for killing myself. For all those people with better life, i'm very happy for you guys.
  11. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    oh and other thing please don't say stuff like i know how you feel cause you don't You have family that treats you worst then a dog? you go to school and get fuc#ed by theachers, students and even freshement. Do you ever get back stabbed by every friend you had. Do you have anyone to trust but yourself. if you answer all this ???S then you can say i know how you feel.
  12. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    I tryed a club. Did you ever feel that when you walk in the room everyone stair at you and they don't want you there and when you try to talk to them they igor you. well that's pretty much it. for most of people life is good but for me LIFE SUCKS. If you love your life that's cool but don't bitch at me for saying life sucks. I already have enough problems.
  13. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    WOW. I though my life sucked.relly bad. but after reading all this I feel like i'm in heaven. I know your going though rough time. but wait couple more year when you are away from you family and school. IT would be lot better you get to do whatever you want. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid to hurt yourself.
  14. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    What do you mean wait few more years? After high school i'm going to college then what i get picked on there. After that i get a job. Go to work early and come home late eat dinner by myself and sleep and go to work again. Why is it better paying all the bill, takeing care of the house,cleaning,buying cars,insurence. Oh yeah it's going to be a lot better. Look i'm trying to say is some people are just born to have crappy life. Don't worry i'm not going to kill myself i though about it but i don't want to go to hell. I'm just going to live 60 more years or shorter life and go to heaven then i can have great life. Untill then.......
    If you read the bible god cursed us with life. After adam ate the apple he kicked them out and this is our punishment. What you didn't think god would make the punishment this easy. God said you will work day and night till you die. Who say working is fun? who say living is fun?
  15. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    dellsuck, you need to have a long talk with someone who you trust, about how you feel right now. Believe it or not, you are not alone. There are people who can help you, but the forums aren't the best place to do it.

    Talk to you parents, and let them know how you feel. They don't hate you. You just think that they do. Talk to your sister or brother, if you have any. Talk to your church's pastor or priest.

    Right now, you need some guidance. Perhaps, even a doctor. Just talk to someone.
  16. thecraigc

    thecraigc Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    yo dude, the way i see life is, it is crap, but dude every1 has do deal with it. i with hogan, do good in life and then wipe ur ass on those dicks faces that didn't get into college (so they can't annoy u anymore) any ways when u and ur freinds r in the mall and go to Mc Donalds of KFC u can tell them "i want xtra large fries with that!" 1 hint for college, don't pick a course that will train u for a job that robots can do, or will be able to do, thats what im going to do in 2 years, pick a course for architecture if u r good at drawing. anyways the way i see it is, like is the opposite after college, if you have braces, get make fun of all the time and told to F*** off, after college you will be total sexy (from a womans point of view, or the occasional weird man) lots of money for some nice gucci, armani, etc cothes to complement the face and body (total ripped, by the way) and the nice new lamborgini, along with the brain.

  17. DrawingLS

    DrawingLS Member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Dellsuck, I'm not trying to be rude, but high school is like that for most teenagers. People get labelled, and you are usually stuck like that for the rest of your time there. Just because high school is giving you problems, don't go thinking that your life sucks. There are far worse situations. High school isn't going to last forever. Just get ready for the rest of your life and don't listen to what everyone else has to say. They're probably wrong.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2005
  18. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    drawingls can vouch i've been through a lot of that, and actually i've been through all it (still in some). that's life. you have to move on, bud. every single teen feels exactly the way you do right now. hormones and youth are altering your perception far more than you realize.
  19. Logik666

    Logik666 Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Ya, this is a very old story man,

    Oh, poor me, everybody hates me, waa waa, shit go cut yourself for some attention why dont ya.

    And dont go calling me the type that picks on you, in school i spent alot of my time kicking the sh** out of people that picked on those smaller than them. so ya now.

    Heres a question for you,, do you think that bill gates got laid all though high school?

    You need to grow up, ever think that maybe your a bitter cry baby, and that could be why nowbody likes you?

    Bottom line is you obviousely have depression, and probably a bunch of other crap, so go get some help or your gonna hurt yourself.
  20. malcdogg

    malcdogg Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    dellsuck, you need to do what everyone did in highschool. Smoke tons of bud. Seriously. Get yourself a fat sack and you'll have all kinds of friends. Another thing to remember is that your friends really don't have to be highschoolers. Hell I remember the 2nd highschool I went to really sucked. I just moved to some small ass town, and everyone knew everyone. Seriously. I felt like I was living amongst the children of the corn. I didn't like most of the people who went there. Most of my real friends were people I knew outside of school. We'd all get high, go swimming, party, all kinds of crap. You'll be ok man, don't let them get you down. People go through sh*tty phases, then things level out. Then get crappy again. Then are great. It goes on and on. You're still young, the older you get, the more you'll notice that.
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