hello everyone I have a ? about ram I was wondering how good of a company GeIL is for ram anyone with info would really help.
HELLO i have geil ultra platinium pc-4400(550mhz). in my xperience they are a good ram!!! i have 120gb winxp pro spk 2 lot of programs,games and never had a problem they run really fast. i have two 256mb sticks running dual channel they are really good. and really good price. they are set for 8-3-3-4 timings but i have them running at 6-3-3-2.5t at 2.7volts with no problem!! geil has other memory series like value,performance,and dragon so if you are much like the conventional pc user,gamer or overclocker they are fine!!
Nate -- give them a try; I'm a Kingston fan, myself; but, check their warranty and your mobo specs; some memory needs to be installed in even pairs and you can't mix-match. Check your parity and other specs like ECC or non-ECC to be sure everything is compatible with motherboard/front side bus. Keep us posted.
Ok, Here's my qustion i have a Dell and was wanting more Ram,And was woundering if i could buy from another vendor,I need sdram? Iam looking for 256 but iam not sure will any type work, I've tried crucial and they dont make sdram? what do i need to know when i go looking for a different supplier lets say like Bestbuy, Sorry for the dumb qustion but iam new at this computer stuff.....
see if can get 1 by the same manufacturer. probably using pc133 & if an older machine than pc100. a pc133 should work with a pc100 ram. try to get single density ram as some computer have a problem reading double density ram. for example, might read a 256meg as 128meg.
hello check dell web page for memory compatibility issues the can recomend a brand. try kingston memory stick they are compatible with most of the pc brands like dell,ibm,compaq,hp
Starbuck I looked at the mobo im getting and Geil Ram will definettly work I have read alot of good reviews about this memory so I think it will be really good memory I will not know quite yet because im not purchasuing anything until another month I'm going to use the GeIl memory and put it in dual channel so it should work out great
Dr.XP so all in all you say its pretty good Ram? Im going to put a 1gb of GeIl ram you know I just wanted to make sure it was a good brand of memory.
nate, i have no complains is really good memory i first got 256 and it runs like 512 i was surprise then i got another 256 now 512 and is really good and cheap to at www.newegg.com.
Dr XP so is GeIl like high perfrormance ram? because on the ultra it says something about high performance or somthing like that.
NATE high performance is a comertial thing most of the time. the model i have comes enclose in a mirror chrome enclosure that acts as a heat spreader with a termal sensor for temps readings this memory can work with 2.8,2.9volt with no problems geil test them with 3.0,3.2volt so they can work in extreme conditions. the geil dragon memory modules are geil high performance mem
Dr.xp thanx for all your help and information I definatly think that Geil memomry will work out great for me. thanx again for all your help