Just got a quick question. How do all of you make those cool signature pictures and stuff that are all over the forum. Looking to get one and put it in my sig. Let me know how this is accomplished. Thanks everyone!
practice, skill, and time with Photoshop (several hundred dollars) or the G.I.M.P. (free) http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/index.html http://www.gimp.org/
Thanks for the post, I think I could use Macromedia Fireworks too. I just thought of that but I will mess around with those two thanks a lot.
@bilg25 i just started messing with making the userbars a couple days ago. i had no prior kwoledge of how to do it or of photoshop. photoshop was kinda intimidating for me at first, but after a few tries and alot of trial and error, i've got about 6 or7 done now that i think look o.k., but i'm still learning. go to userbars dot com, they have alot of good tutorials there. how do you think these look?