I am following the guide to converting a DVD to Divx with the 4:3 aspect ratio. I am at the virtual dub section where I need to select my audio, it says select 160Kbit/sec, 44.1KHz, stereo, I need help on this, do I chose ABR or CBR? And also, in the guide he says look for the codec that says MPEG-3, I only see one codec that says MPEG-3 but it does not say lame next to each of the specifications, I do however see a codec that says LAME MP3, by selecting LAME mp3 is this still the same as the MPEG-3 codec he is talking about? mind you this is all in virtual dub.
Yes, I havn't read the guide but LAME is an Mp3 (MPEG Layer Three) encoder. Its the best Mp3 encoder you can find. CBR (Constant bit-rate) and ABR (Average bit-rate) are differnt types of encoding schemes. ABR will yeild the most high quality sound file or audio stream. So, choose ABR. Set your bit-rate avarage no lower than 192 kbps (if practically feasible). Ced
ABR, or VBR, but you need to play/ encode more than once to find the right size. or you can encode the audio first and fit the video accordingly