Right, I've read through the stickies and not sure what's available to the UK, and what can be done. If I let you know what the set up is here, maybe you can help. I currently have at the house a basic Sky subscription in the main living room, but just a standard Sky DV3 box in the bedroom with no subscription. I'd like to get some extra channels in my bedroom and haven't got a 'multiroom' subscription. Only have a 3mb or less internet connection coming into the house so can't really stream TV into the house until BT upgrade all the exchanges. What can be done, and if it can, what do I need to get e.g New Boxes etc. Thanks to whoever bothers to reply!
I don't think there is much you can do with Sky satelite stuff (but I could be wrong), most of the discussion here relates to cable tv but if you do not have a cable connection there probably wont be much to interest you.
Ah Ok. Cable as in Virgin Media and BT vision? I thought cable was a general American term for paid-for-TV. Nothing I can do with changing the box is there, is it still goes through a Sky satalite
Get a multyroom sub £120.00 for the year. Other wise you will need to get 2 x dreambox's @ £120.00 then you will need to link them both together over your internal network system in your house and you will only get the same channels up stairs as you will downstairs. Other option link a dreambox to some kind of external server. (thats as fare as we can discuss this).
Ok, I'm going to do some researching for a dreambox. I am guessing that the dreambox works with the sky dish? Has anyone got a Newbies guide to what a Dreambox actually is? Some of the threads are to advanced at the moment and I need to do some reading. Also what channels would be available on a dreambox, is there a link to that? Thanks for the reply!
Hi. I have a sky box in my bedroom,it is connected to the dish, i recently bought a free sat card at the cost of £20.00.I now get lots of channels,freeview and some sky channels. Give it a whirl!!.Ian.
I'm going to look at this DreamBox. If someone who knows about this stuff, is willing to chat to me please PM me.