Well I was trying the repair method to repair my pc and the outcome was that instead of repairing then it actually created a new Windows XP installation on the partion that I was trying to repair...how would I delete it?
If you mean, how can you delete the new XP installation, and go back to the old one you had before, the answer is that you can't. It has gone to OS Heaven. It got deleted after you pressed the wrong key when you were trying to do a repair install.
Is there a way for Julian124 to recover the files on the old partition? I had a friend who did the same thing and it showed the old space taken up but he couldn't access the files.
Check the size. It may still be there. Dose it ask you for a second boot option when you pres F8, F10 or F12 during the boot up proccess?
All the installation did was split the partition into two so I found out a way to delete the second installation by deleting the WINDOWS.0 folder in my Local Disk C:. Thank you all for your support...=)