I JUST turned my ds on with and I had my AR in there. Now I have a white screen, like it froze. can I fix this some how?? please!!!
Hey man, I have the same problem, did you ever get it fixed? If you did, can you tell me how!!! Please!!!
i cant even do that because i turn on the DS with the action replay inserted and it does the nintendo thing and then when it should say the not affiliated with nintendo crap, instead the screen is just white!!
have you tried blowing the dust inside of the game cartridge, the game, and the action repolay, and the inside of the ds?
how do i use codes?? it does not work at all ive tried (on pokemon diamond) the master balls x999 cheat and it tells me if i want to activate it i have to push L+R it will work WELL IT DOESNT someon please help me im very new to this action replay
You check the code you want on the action replay and then you press start... when you get to the game, you open your inventory screen you go to your bag, open it, press and hold L+R and then move to the Pokeball section and you should have x999 Masterballs!!!!