iv had lots of problems with my computer over the last year meaning iv had to reformatt my hardrives and reinstall windows and today i done it so i wouldnt have to do it again and now when i try and activate it says this serial key has exceeded the amount of times it is allowed to be activated. This isnt fair i have a legal version of windows but i have a custom build computer which has no manafacturer to contact. To make things worse theres no help and support for windows unless you pay please can someone help me.
Why don't you just call Microsoft, explain to them what happened, pay the phone bill and be done with it.
would microsoftsupply me with a new serial key? o and would i have to pay for the advise because im 15 and my parents woudnt like me paynig just to get stupid windows to work
AHH feel it for u bro! go to a torrentsite an dtry searching for windows xp. then insite liek torrentspy it gives you serial keys and stuff... search for one and also there look for keygens..
i had this same problem not a month ago. there is a free number you can call; the whole conversation took me maybe five minutes, and i was hooked up with a new serial; bear it mind that the new key is only good for one activation, so you have to do it every time from now on.
ok thanks for the help they dont ask you for the recite ect because i bourght this copy at a computer fair but all i got was the disc and the spicial stickers. but my version is 100% legal I wouldnt have t keep reinstalling windows and re activating it if ms made there operating systems crash free and made them so they wokr
Ringing Microsoft and getting a new number is a good idea. Explain your situation. I am sure they will be good with it. After that, get yourself a copy of Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image and Ghost your system when it is running well. That way if something goes wrong, you do not need to start all over again, simply recover from the backup image.
oh ok thanks il do that bt what will microsoft need information on? iv got my serial key and all the other details on the sticker. doees anyone know the nmber for microsoft?
you've got all you need, glitchzoo. after you explain the situation, they'll give you a new number. and you'll be good.
Your "White Pages" will have a contact for Microsoft, or do a Google search for Microsoft Support and follow links to get a contact number.