I have had many a ? answered by searching the net and Afterdawn always seeming to pop up. One day I decided that it would be easier to register and just ask my ?'s here. I always poked fun at forums. But now I realize what great info u can find here and really everybody seems to have a good time with all the different posts. I don't plan on goin anywhere, but I just wanted to say thanx to everyone, I would be lost without u. I come back everyday just c whats goin on. This is the best forum on the net if u care 4 my 2 cents. Word up g. Peace out. Talk 2 ya later Home Skillet. I am Addicted!
yea ad is a pretty good forum. most of the topics i am not even interested in such as dvd backup, video encoding etc but the people here are pretty nice so i still return.
[bold]AfterDawn[/bold] rises, the light of the sun is upon us and another one is going towards that light. Once you go to that light, there is no turning back. Welcome, we have you now under our spell!
perhaps you have now entered a world free of the restraints created from the ignorance and anger of a typical realm. under our spell? nay, for you are free from the spell of stupidity that once clouded your mind. yes, nay indeed, as you no longer are subject to spells, but now may cast them *edit* a little grammar mistake
@ddp - lmao, just dropped the kettle on my foot and tripped over a pot when i saw your reply @auslander - wow, nice one, that'll explain it then
you said that creaky, and for some reason i remembered part of a boy scout oath i had to take about 12 years ago...part of it was "i promise to do my best to do my duty to god (now ddp and AD both are in there, lol) and my country..." and the rest fades out
Quote; "Word up g. Peace out. Talk 2 ya later Home Skillet." I find it really difficult to comprehend some of this speak. What the hell does it all mean? Why can't people use proper English. What the heck is "Home skillet" when it's at home? Or am I just old & out of touch? A rather confused Pulsar