hello, my wife has a idea that she wants me to do to her pc tonight but, before i do id like to see if what im doing will work. she wants me to install a 7 gig hdd as the main drive with just the os on it and use the 80 gig for everything else. personally i dont think it will work, so im looking for opinions and guidance...thanx to everyone
it should work it takes 1.5gig minimum for the windows xp so space wouldnt be an issue. as long as you have a copy of windows to install on it. i found when i installed a second hdd on my pc the copy that was alredy on the hd became invalid so i booted the os off the master drive.
if you are going to do that, dont install programs on c:/. if you do you will run out of space on 7 gigs. on the 80gig hd make a program files folder and install everything to there. i have used windows installed on a 6 gig partition before and it isnt realy a problem.