i am wondering how can i add an extra hard drive to my xbox so i can rent games or borrow them and copy them to the hard drive or back them up i am just tired of paying 50 bucks a game so if anybody can help me that would be great thanks
well I dont think we can tell you how to coppy rented games, but for ones you own and just wanta back up. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/82482 I found it to be well done
is there any easier way to do something like that like just for me to send it to a company to do it or an easier way for me to do it my self?
its not that hard, really. but many of the mod chip places will sell premoded x-boxes and what not but if you ask me its to much $ to go that way
if you are willing to spend about 35 dollars i would recomend Xecuter2.6 modchip. if you want the best of the best get Xecuter 3 for 50. You will also need to buy a bigger hard drive since the one you have in you xbox is about 5 gigs. or you can just learn to burn games and you will not need a bigger hard drive. i have not seen a game exed 6 gigs, so if you want to store 20-30 games get a 80 Gig hd. if you want more or want to store music get something bigger. it is up to you since you are laying down the money. or you can buy a premodded xbox with chip and drive for about $250. 120G HDD + Xecute2.6 = $120
Hardmoding you xbox is not that dangerous. Softmodding will give you more problems. you just have to do some research and know what to do once the time comes.
I disagree. I have a softmodded one and I have never ran into any problem what so ever. Plus with the new system out, why shell out the cash when we will most likely be modding 360 soon. I guess it's up to you what you want to do though. Personally, save the dough for a 360 mod. If you need a good guide to ftp and file transfer check out http://www.xbox-scene.com
I personally prefer hardmoding, there is too much roms for error when you softmod. but once again that is my opinion.
well just tell me what i need and send me some instructions and if i need to use a computer i personally dont own a windows but i could do it on a friends computer or do i have to get to that computer often? thanks
All you need is a PC with some kind of FTP software. If you plan to use a soft mod, go to the above web site in my last post. Or if your just too lazy to search around, here is what you need... 1. An X-Box....obviously 2. Highest capacity memory card 3. 007 Agent under fire. Not the platinum hits disc, the ORIGONAL game disk! 4. FlashFXP, on the pc you have. 5. Action replay or some other x-box controller mod that will allow you to transfer the hack game save for 007 to the memory card. If you want really detailed instruction I can give them to you in e-m,ail. just contact me. Ashbridgefamily@Comcast.net
Modchip i would recomend xecuter 2.6 because it's not too expensive and its really good. hard drive just make sure its ATA not SATA, i dont know what size you want also make sure you can lock the hard drive if you ever want to play on xbox live.
whats up... i just got this WD 320gb hdd for my xbox... when i try to set it up i get this ftp server v0.1a alpha...
I'm no tsure, but I think the Box has trouble identifing all free space on large drives. When you added the HDD, what program did you use. I would recommend Slayers, or a linuxHDM. Did you add extra partion drive F?