I was wondering if I could add another DVD-rom to my Dell Dimension 4700 I already have a stock dvd-rom which came with the computer and couple years ago I bought a Dvd-ram drive.Since my friend gave me a free dvd-rom reader I rather connect it rather then collect dust.
Unless u r certain that ur power supply ( in the pc ) can handle it, just buy a housing for it and make it an external usb driven externally powered burner.
Well I need this extra dvd-rom is because the model just happens to be the ones you can read and rip wii and gamecubes games.
what model is it? ok if you have: 1, a spare slot for it - yes 2, a spare power cord inside - yes 3, a spare eide plug inside - yes ------------- 4, power supply maybe ok as is (enough power for all) relax and install ------------- i got 4x optical drives can add a 5th. plus 6x hard drives all in thats 10 drives...