i have subtitles for a movie which i would like to have subtitle added in the burn. what program do i use to do so. the file (subtitles) are in .srt format
Just to let you know, that question has been asked many many times, and your answers can be found deep amounst this forum, you'll just have to seach. But ill be nice enough to help you. Do you want to hardsub or what? The easiest way that i recommend you doing is doing it through dvdlab, but you'll need to get that program and learn the basics.
I havnt tried nero, but i believe you need to hardsub the .srt files to the video file. Thats a real pain to do that...i've done it, takes over 5 hours just to do one episode (1hr). In dvd-lab you choose the video file and the .srt, (just selecting, not doing anything with it), and burn it. When you burn them, they will be together. Now theres a whole lot to it, but it is alot more fun and quicker. Now Dvd-lab is a dvd authoring program, meaning you can use this program to make menus with effects and everything. Just look around this forum and you'll find many info about this prgm