I'd like to know how to add animated text to a movie I made. I made it with my webcam, will import the song I want with Windows Movie Maker 2. I would like to use edwardian script as the font. And would like the font to basically write by itself. Anyone know of any free software I could use? Thanks.
Not quite sure if this will be what you're looking for but it popped up in my mind. I used DVDLab Pro to create animated menus (like the ones you get in very good movies to select between things) where I had as background a clip of a movie and then I added several text boxes appearing at different times. All was rendered with the programs encoder and created a short video file (mp2). In your case you can demux your audio and video and use the video as input, it occurs to me... DVDLab Pro has a free trial period for 30 days... Again, there could be other alternatives, but right now this is the one I think of first...