I am new to this DVD burning thing, so any help would be appreciated. 1) I already burnt one of my kids Thomas the Tank Engine movies as a back up, and am wondering, how do I find out if there is room on the disc for another movie? 2) If there is, how do I burn the other movie without ruining what is already on the disc? Thanks for the help.
Sorry, you can't do that with a DVD. Any "compilation" must be created in your computer first and then burned onto your blank media. One time burn only.
Are you using DVD Shrink? I know you have Nero so I assume you have Recode 2 as well. This gives you at least two options. Lets use the Shrink option to compile a couple of main movie titles. Doing this with Recode would be very similar. Insert your first disc and open Shrink, let it analyze. Select re-author, double click the main movie to put it in the DVD compilation window on the left. Click on the Compression Settings tab on the right and now you can remove unwanted sub-pictures and audio tracks. Use the preview window to listen to the various audio tracks by starting the preview and right clicking in the preview window area. When you move your pointer over the audio menu selection, a list will come up. That list is the available audio on the selected title. A green check mark indicates which one is being previewed. By clicking on the different tracks on the list you can select the correct audio. Just tick the box under Audio in the right window that corresponds to the track you selected while previewing. Untick the rest. Now is a good time to use the Start/End feature. This is optional, however because you are putting two movies on one disc, you can use this feature to trim off the end credits, opening studio logos, etc. This feature is pretty easy to use, first click on the two opposing horizontal blue arrows above your compilation window. What you see now is a window with some sliders and buttons and a chapter select menu. The chapter select lets you select the starting and ending chapters, obviously. The top set of sliders and buttons lets you adjust the start of the movie. The slider gets you close, the buttons are for coarse and fine adjustments. The bottom slider works the same way with the end of the movie. This is a fun feature that you can play with. When you have it trimmed, select OK. Now above your audio boxes on the right is your compression setting menu. Select "no compression". We'll do that later. (If both titles that are going on the disc are small enough, I like to compress them equally, at the same time.) Now select Backup!, ignore the size warning because this first movie is going on your hard drive and not a disc. Under Target Device, select Hard Disc Folder and below that, use the default location or browse for one of your own, I always put mine in my "Movies" folder under the name of the movie. Make sure there is enough room on your hard drive for two movies, about 9 or 10 GB. The movie is now ready to go on your hard drive so select OK and Shrink will begin encoding the uncompressed movie to your hard drive. Once that has completed, close Shrink, remove the first disc, put in the second and open Shrink again. Open the second disc and let it analyze. (Shrink does this a lot during the process)n Once thats complete select Re-author. Double click the main movie title and then process it like you did the first, removing audio, sub-pictures and trimming. Now lets get the first movie. On the right, select the DVD Browser tab. Below the tab, click on the drop down menu to open the browser. Select the drive your first movie is located in and click it. The contents of that drive show up in the browser window, Double click to burrow to your first movie. Once you have it, double click it into the compilation window. You can drag it over too and if you want it to play first drag it just above the second title. It will analyze again. If you have selected small movies your compression will be above 55% or so which is to be expected. If both movies combined, uncompressed, are larger than 8200 MB or so, I would probably compress them before creating a compilation. OK, the compilation is assembled. Lets check a few settings in Shrink and Auto burn with Nero. Edit> Preferences> File I/O: Check Enable overlapped I/O and Enable burning with Nero. Select Back-up! and change the target device to your burner (now is a good time to put in your blank disc). Look at the Backup Options Tab, check Perform deep analysis box. Select OK and Shrink will burn your compilation using Nero. This is just one way to do this but they are all similar. It is easy once you do it a couple of times. Cheers, Frank _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]