I can't explain it...I can't go any farther than this screen... http://imajr.com/Problems_145090 (Here is the image) Why won't the Agree or Disagree option come up...Please help me... I let it sit for over an hour... I want to install Adobe Acrobat Reader so I could look at PDFs...
I had this problem with a different software and pressing "A" on the keyboard did it. Do not know if it will work there. I can also suggest another program for PDF-Foxit-smaller and faster. I use the free version and it does more than the free Adobe: http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php
Hi I just downloaded Adobe Acrobat 8.1 (no problems there) however I am unable to work out how to enable the document rights for even pdf Documents I have created myself. This negates my chance to use the document "comments and mark up" bar (and other parts of the software. Any Ideas>
WilJames I do not use Adobe much, but I found this page which I think (hope)describes what you want pretty well: http://www.acrobatusers.com/articles/2006/09/enabling_reader/
Thanks Yes it should be exactly what I need. One problem, the compiler has neglected to explain how to access the command box shown in Fig.1 Any Ideas?
I would also suggest Foxit reader for reading PDF docs its faster to load than Adobe and free http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php
Will For some reason I still have version 7, so I do not know for sure. This page (Figure 1) seems to show- http://www.acrobatusers.com/articles/2007/06/top_resons_acrobat_8_1/index.php My guess would be to click on "Acrobat" on the ribbon and then "Acrobat Comments". But that is only a guess.
Will Also found this at the Adobe help center, the part under "Show the Comment & Markup Toolbar" may have your answer: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Acrobat...t=WSFCE56C1C-A6A7-469a-B49D-156D23BC73DD.html Otherwise, the info should be near there somewhere.
That sounds about right, I am still bogged down in the dark ages with Microsoft Office 2003 so my display does not show the 'ribbon' configuration box (as shown in Fig.1) I'll check compatibility with Office 2003
Thanks again but the 'adobe dialog' is only available with version cue in creative suite. I will need to download creative suite in order to run aversion cue