Advice & Help - SONY HC21 vs CANON ZR200

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by kuffain, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. kuffain

    kuffain Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    I am trying to buy a Digital camcorder from long time, I did so much research on digital camcorders, my last two final choices were [bold]Cannon ZR 200 & Sony HC-21[/bold], I spend allot of time reading reviews and stuff, but i didn't get the clear answer which is Better. And by better i mean is, better video quality, better image quality, and better in low light condition. I am still confused over these two CAMERAS!!! They both cost the same, they both have same features, except one feature that canon has which sony doesn't is the 16:2 wide screen. Can u people plese help me out on this, and suggest me which one should i buy. I know these two Compaines are both outstanding, but i would like to here from You.

    [bold]Here I have the product Comparsion[/bold]


    And plus is it good to buy it off the web site or should i buy it off the retail store. Buying off the Internet cost me less, and i can spend less and buy a newer version of this camera of the with more features like (zr200 to zr400) for the cheaper price. But the thing comes to my mind of the internet is, what if the camera has a problem and i have to return it, that i have to ship it and wait like 2 weeks and stuff. SO PLEASE ADVICE ME ON ALL THIS I AM NEW TO THIS THANK YOU.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2005
  2. kpe

    kpe Member

    Jun 12, 2005
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    The Canon ZR series claims to have Analog to Digital Video conversions, the Sony HC21 does not (Sony HC32 claims to have the A/D conversion).
    Sony has the "info lithium" batteries which are very nice in my opinion because they give a pretty accuracte countdown (in minutes) of how much battery life I have left. Most other camcorders & cameras I have seen basically tell you that your battery is now dead with little advanced notice. Not sure how the Canon ZR series stand up here.

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