Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by xXJediXx, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    Im a newbie, just started loking in to all this set top box buisness

    Im in belfast N Ireland UK

    I have N*L cable in to my house, which has an active signal ( i know this cause i have chipped internet)

    I was gonna buy a Starview 2 is this the rcommend box, as ive heard about eurovox .??? also where can i buy 1 from a reputable seller .??

    also can i get s*y sports and s*ta*ta .???

    As id go crazy if i couldnt watch premier league football live

    Please i have read loads of posts and guides but am starting to get confused :<
  2. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    if your going to buy the starview 2 "the box" there are no clones so you can't really go and buy the wrong one.but if you are going to but a eurovox but the eurovox v 2008 because they are the newest ones and there are no clone of them either.don't buy anything off ebay because you don't know what there sending you until its on your doorstep.
    i think you get s*y and set@nt@ sports.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2007
  3. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    What does clone mean.??


    Is ther any way to find out if i can guarentee that ill get ss 1,2 and 3 and also S*tanta .??

    I dont wanna buy it not to have them , as there the reason im buying it
  4. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    clone means a copy of the originals usually not as good.

    i will have a look around and see if you can get them.
  5. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    Thanks for your help

    ive seen them opn fle bay buy dont know weather to trust them or not ..

    Also need to guarentee i get ss 1,2,3 and se*an*a .
  6. ryanmg

    ryanmg Guest

    thats what i meant i will have a look around and see if you can get s*y in belfast

    MAINAMN Active member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    just wondering if any of you neighbours have it on n*l through the cable ?
  8. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    as far as i know sly is no longer available on the uk network and as you live in nireland you will be on the uk network so the ans is no
  9. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    Really appreciate your help

    Theres people i know selling htem here in belfast, and can keep sorting them .. But they charge like 100 odd quid for box and 10-20 everytime it knocks off.

    em and the missus cant afford sky as bad as it sounds. Id much raqther buy a reputable box and with the help of good people liek yourself keep sorting it my self ..

    was offered abox yesterday for 145quid was like fahhacck that.

    I sorted my internet my self , well the guy got me the modem i had to go to the ntl box down the road and plug my cable in .. LOL

    We had a starview before but there was probles with some channels and they were all overthe place ..

    Just out of curiosity .. Is it possible to buy a top end box that has a menu system and programe guide similar to s*y/NtHell .???

    id pay the money for one of the eurovoxs if i knew it was legit ,and the difference lol
  10. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

  11. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest


    I download all my movies and tvshows so its realy only the footie i want it for, cant afford to go to the bar no more and watch the matchs lol Friggin mortgages are killer .. LOL

    i throw the rope up today if one of you guys tells me i cant get sports in mynew house with modded cable ..

    Also 1 last question.

    When i buy a starview or any box of ebay , has it been altered before i get it to allow it to do this, or it that what im doing whith yourguys help when i pick a box etc im buying a normal box and modding it with the software etc.??

    Just wanted to know cause all these people selling them round my way are probably buyin them off net and stikin like 50quid on
  12. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    if you are going to buy starview make sure it is not a clone the genuine has 25 cuts in the top the clone has only 16 and i thought you where talking about sly 1 not sports you should get all that your neighbor gets on there box for less money also get a eurovox or dreambox less hassel with them they keyroll by themselves check out ebay and look at there ratings before you buy also all the information and software is available free of charge so no need to pay for it

    MAINAMN Active member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Your taking a risk buying the boxes from fleabay (like everything else) alot of places wont put the software on them as it is illegal to do so but they will more then likely send u to somewhere like AD
    where you will prob get the help u need !
    so if its not flashed with software dont worry too much , it can be got....
  14. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    Thanks Ferg

    nah not interested in sly 1 just want sly sports 1,2,3 mutv, and premiership matches also in an ideal worls id get spentanta..

    But Beggers cant be choosers
  15. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Sorry man can you give him a place so he will get the right box for the right money a link would be nice for him if you have one

    MAINAMN Active member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    sure thing, ill pm you in a mo xXJediXx !
  17. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    Thanks guys back in work , so i cant post as much
  18. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    that is no prob when you can will do just let us know ok

    MAINAMN Active member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    pm done. get back when u can , no rush !
  20. xXJediXx

    xXJediXx Guest

    I been reading loads of threads my heads pounding now

    Can anyone help me assertain if i can get sly sports 1,2,3 and setanta and possiby the midleeasternchannel that shows the united matches on one of these boxs im in belfast and in an ntl/virgin media area.

    Just need to know if i can get these channels before i buy the box .


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