advice please

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by rydb, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. rydb

    rydb Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    my dbox recently broke.i am thinking about getting a new one as i familiar with the firmware, but after hearing briefly about nagra 3, i am not sure if i should purchase any box.
    i wanted to find out:
    is the dbox capable of supporting n3 when it rolls out or will it be via a firmware upgrade?

    when is n3 going to be rolled out in the uk?

    so is there a point in me buying a box for it to become useless in the near future and becoming waste of money.

    thanks for any help

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    is the dbox capable of supporting n3 when it rolls out or will it be via a firmware upgrade? - No one knows or can answer that until the time comes

    when is n3 going to be rolled out in the uk? There is no indication it will, IPTV has been bandied about as a new encryption

    so is there a point in me buying a box for it to become useless in the near future and becoming waste of money? Only you can answer that, no box is future proof and its the chance you take with any box

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