I had ordered an premodded xbox system and I did receive it, but then I had to send it back for repair to the Hdd. This was April 19th. The person keeps saying it is going out tomorrow. this has been going on now for 2wks, now he just ignores my emails and I am out a lot of money. I filed a claim for small claims court in my area and emailed him advising him I would do this if he did not refund my money or send me a working unit. Just wondering if there is something else I can do, like websites or anything anyone can contribute. I am out $567.
the truth.. your screwed.. just mod it yourself, then at the least you waste is $250 (for the xbox and mod chip) if you fry your xbox.. peace seamonkey420
yup, that does suck... do you have is address?? if anythign you can sign that person up for mass mailings and samples from thousands of porn places and adult diapers... peace seamonkey420
hmm.. you could atleast torment the poor thief of a bastard and subscribe him to every list you can find on teh internet and have friends sign him up to.. or you could just stop by and say, where's my xbox? i like the first idea myself.... good luck seamonkey420
I like the masss amiling idea.I never actually thought of something like that before,but I do got a few addresses of people who have screwed me.Im gonna try it
hehehe... too bad you couldn't see their expressoin when they start getting loads and loads of free sample adult diapers and "you could make 1 milllion by.." fliers.. that'll learn them.. peace seamonkey420