Hello everyone, I am in the market for my second dvd burner. i want to make sure this "ONE" will be compatable with a lot of other software my other drive don't. does anyone have any suggestions I want to stay in the range of 250.00 be external. I have looked at the plextor- PX-716UF if anyone has one and cares to share there experience with it it be appreaciated thank you John Bryson
Plextor is def. your best choice i have Plextor drives per my sig and love them ,just replaced my 712A that i had 5000 plus burns with for a couple 716A .that burner your looking at should run you about 200 bucks retail. also remember to use Taiyo Yuden blank media with that drive there made for eachother
Agreed. This is a great drive. However, I am partial to either LG or NEC drives myself. My buddy has a Plextor though, and he absolutely loves it. Can't go wrong with the "ONE" you are looking at though. It has got some good reviews from users who have bought it. http://reviews-zdnet.com.com/Plexto...Firewire/4852-3212_16-31215236.html?tag=uolst
hi all i use LITEON and PIONEER all good here and the liteon doesnt have riplock... set at 1.5 dvd-ripping but i got 2 other drives for that anyway another liteon reader and a samsung
Hey i agree with everyone here but i like pioneer drives I have a Pioneer DVD DVR110D... I would suggest this drive to anyone i have to pioneer drive one is this and the other the 109 model and it works fine too
Same here Plextor is great. @ aabbccdd I also have the 716A..........Love It. Have had excellent results , using Verbatim DataLifePlus media with it. I know you're partial to TY's.
@aabbccdd I dont know what booktyping is or bit setting?? if u can explain it i will say yes or no.. Thanxs
No, his drive does not allow for booktyping/bitsetting Read here... http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/233/9
It only allows it on DL discs though... I mainly use it to backup DVD's soo it does that fine for me soo can't complain... Depends what you want to be able to doo. Thanxs for the info btw
hello brysonj, you can save huge money by buying the px740uf. its really great drive. i believd its suppose be the rebadge benq DW1640. Dont quote me on this. its 49.99 after rebate man. i bought 2 of them. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1544661&Sku=P67-1224
check this out - great site and i recommend it!!! http://www.svponline.co.uk/newsletter/2006/mar_23.htm
I was going to start a new one, but found my answer here. I currently have a Plextor PX-716A and now I'm looking to get an external DVDRW. I found the PX-716UF at TigerDirect for $49.99 after a $50 and $40 mail-in rebate.
i think the one you mention is not the px716uf. The one you mention is the same one i was talking about PX740uf. There is a big difference betwween the 2. They are totally 2 different drive. The px 716uf would not be this cheap. by the way, hos the PX716a?? I heard lots of good things about it but its just too expensive for me. The PX716a is a rebadge benq dw1640 so is the px740uf. I am not totally sure about this if anybody know any different please advise.
You are correct - it is a 740, not a 716 that is $50. My mistake. The main difference in the 716 and 740 is the buffer size. The 716 is 8mb while the 740 is 2mb. You can Google the 716 external and find it several places. TigerDirect does in fact have the 716UF drive, but it is $200 plus about $9 s/h.
Yujenh [bold] This is false information the PX-716A IS NOT a rebadged BenQ get your facts straight before posting [/bold] http://www.plextor.com/english/index.html
aabbccdd, I wondered about that myself. After all, isn't the 716 the only one on the market with a buffer of 8mb? The specs on a 1640 indicate 2mb. I believe some folks get confused with rebadging and cross-flashing.
hey man, its not like its my fault that i didnt get the fact straight before posting. there is just so much false info about it and kinda lead into it. So which plextor drive is the rebagded benq Dw1640??? i would like to know the correct info this time thanks