Hi! I have been successful in backing up a dvd using dvd decrypter, however: my hard disk space decreased by about 4gig when i did so and deleting the file i made didn't help. This huge file has disappeared and i cannot find it and my hard disk is still missing the 4 gig. Is it somewhere i havent looked: i looked in temp folder and ran disk cleanup as well as system restore - no help. it just appears to have gone but still taking up space thanks heaps for any help: i hope this is in the right area.
Try saving your next back up to the same area of which you saved your last.Once you have completed delete and this may delete the missing file.Do you have Nortons system works on by any chance as if your bin is manually protected by nortons or a software like you have to manually remove through the programe. If you just delete through the bin it will be saved by the ghost software until removed through nortons. John179
thanks... i have norton antivirus: does the protected recycle bin have soething to do with it then? so how do i manually remove it through norton antivirus (not system works)? thanks for ya help, sorry if i'm a bit computer illiterate
Anti virus does not protect the recycle bin.If you try to open the bin by just clicking on it and some form of software starts up this is how you will know its protected. John179
yep, if i double click it an unerase wizard starts, and it is actually called norton protected recycle bin. at any rate, i right clicked and deleted protected files, and i have my hard disk space back! thanks for your help
No problem they can be pains at time but good when you delete something by accident and relise you wanted to keep it. John179
Hey If you want to disable this feature you can. You can do this by Right-Clicking the Recycle bin then going to Properties. Select the Norton Protection Tab. Now you can take the tick out of Enable Protection, restart, then as soon as you empty the recycle bin, they are gone... OR you can select the Purge protected files after ?? days. This will deleted those protected files after you empty the recycle bin, for ?? days, then delete all of them. So if you want this, you can set it for say 7 days. So after 7 days of emptying the recycle bin, you have the chance of recovering the files, after that, it will delete them, regaining your space. Regards CoZZa