Hi,after doing a factory reset for seeing if i could pick up new espn channels,there is a few channels missing at the races,playboy and adult channel.One the 1st fix came out these channels where missing then i put the beta fix on and it solved it but since the factory reset i tried putting it on and it finds everything else apart from them and espn.Its not a big deal because iam glad to have the channels ive got but it would be nice to see if i can fix it hope you can help
if you factory reset it is only channel data that is erased,factory reset again remove any splitters or extensions and autoscan again and keycode to on.
You'll also need to do an autoscan after 8.00pm if you want to pick up the adult channels as it won't find them before this time, same thing happened me today when I went looking for ESPN.
Hi Cactikid thanks for getting back to me so quick,i followed your instructions and worked perfect and have the missing channels back. thanks a million torres9
Hi skelly thanks for advice aswell,I remmber i had this problem the 1st time i put the new firmware on but after i sorted it i didnt have to scan for the adult channels and i checked there and there working perfect.Any luck for espn
No problem mate, didn't have any luck with ESPN, as far as I know it's only being broadcast in the UK for now. Cheers
The new ESPN Channel won't be avalable in Ireland for sometime. Negotiations are still ongoing between Irish providers and ESPN!
GerryT If you're in Ireland it sounds like you need to flash your box with the latest firmware, just follow the instructions and you can't go too far wrong. This fix is only for genuine boxes, not to be used on clones as it will kill them. http://www.4shared.com/file/115428238/5f9bad6c/TheboxSuperUSB_BETAnew_new.html
GerryT you'll find the instructions for flashing that file here http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-59/beginners_guide_to_flashing_box_super_usb_only-782761/