I shut down my computer one night, and the next day it says BOOTMRG is missing. I have my Win XP CD so I can do the recovery thing. I don't know what command to use. It says stuff like fix, create, edit, etc. If anyone could tell me how to fix this I'd appreciate it. I'm somewhat lost, I just don't want to erase all of my old data.
If I get the full list of commands can someone please help? I have a lot of information on the hard drive that I really would like to keep. I wouldn't be able to have it hooked up and check it until tomorrow, but I would appreciate any help whatsoever. Thanks in advance.
I think you're in the wrong forum, this is for macs Anyways, try this http://www.techzonez.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3975.html
Sorry... I don't know who the mods are, but can someone help and let them know so they can move it. The computer I was using was slow, so it lagged and it looked like I clicked windows general, and I guess I didn't, and from there I never checked. My bad. VERY sorry. Will not make the same mistake again.
Upon boot it reads: BOOTMGR is missing Press any key to reset I incert the Windows XP Professional Upgrade CD. I pressed the space bar to reboot the computer. Then I boot to CD. It says: * To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER * To repair a Windows XP Installation using Recovery Console, press R. * To quit setup without installing Windows XP, press F3 I pressed "R" Microsoft Windows XP (TM) Recovery Console The Recovery Console provides system repair and recovery functionality. Type EXIT to equit the Recovery Console and restart the computer. 1: C:\Windows Which Windows installation would you like to log onto <To cancel, press ENTER>? I typed "1" and pressed enter, and the entered the admin password. C:\Windows> I Typed in Help C:\Windows>Help For more information on a specific command, type command-name /? or Help command-name The following is the list of commands: ATTRIB, BATCH, BOOTCFG, CD, CHDIR, CHKDSK, CCS, SOPY, DEL, DELETE, DIR, DISABLE, DISKPART, ENABLE, EXIT, EXPAND, FIXBOOT, FIXMBR, FORMAT, HELP, LISTSVC, LOGON, MAP, MD, MKDIR, MORE, NET, RD, REN, RENAME, RMDIR, SYSTEMROOT, TYPE C:\Windows>BootCFG /add /List /Rebuild /DisablerDirect /Scan /Redirect[PortBaudrate]|[useBiosSettings] Can anyone tell me what to do. I don't know how to fix this. I figured since it said BOOTMGR is missing, that it might have to do with the configuration, but... Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.