After using DVD Decrypter,DVD2one123 and Nero

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by =KenMarc=, Mar 19, 2004.

  1. =KenMarc=

    =KenMarc= Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    After using DVD Decrypter,DVD2one123 and Nero to back up my movies I play them on my DVD play the movie begins to skip any one know why? Note that its not all movies.

    Please Help.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Okie, Dokie, =KenMarc=, That’s what we do here, (grabbin' me life ring and scooting off across the beach to rescue our new friend "can't spell his name" KenMark - ->

    Ooohh, alright - Jeeeeses, just got told ta go back and sit down and type the answer out -

    OK, I can do that -

    Here's what my first guess is - it be your media -

    Don't go off in the corner sayin' ya don't want to hear it, it's true -

    Poor media Skips, Pauses, Pixilates, partly plays and even refuses to play at all :-(

    The recommendation is for Ritek G04 Or Verbatim - media boasting "Advanced AZO Dye" although Pricey is good also -

    Almost all media is good for text, data, spread sheets, jpg and gif pictures and even MP3 music BUT when it comes to DVD's "BLAaaaaatT" it doesn't work - Buying the "Good Stuff is the best way to go (prices are around a buck a disc, but they work well )

    Give it a try,

    and Welcome to the Neighborhood -

  3. =KenMarc=

    =KenMarc= Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    Thanks Scuba Pete

    for your prompt reply =) one of your suggestions was to use the Riteks G04 exactly the media I am using, I really dont understand the problem. I play the movie on two diffrent DVD players and I have problem on both.
  4. Linden

    Linden Guest

    It's a media problem, try other go4's and make sure they are grade A's.
  5. riprat

    riprat Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    What speed are you burning at? Try slowing down a bit and see if that corrects your read problem, it did for me.
  6. rob&keri

    rob&keri Regular member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Hi mate,

    Things I have found.

    1. Media.
    2. How much you are compressing, (%).
    3. Burning speed (burn as low as possible).
    4. Burning to edge of disc (leave about 1/8").

    These are some advice I was given.

  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Thank you Rob, excellent reminders --

    I was busy on other threads and remembered another little trick that I do out of habit and there are issues that come up when you don't do it -

    Always read from your DVD-ROM, not your Burner - for one, it's much faster and 2, you avoid corrupting files during the transfer :)

    If you haven't been doing it, learn. It will save you headaches in the future :p)

    See ya later, gotta run up the beach and quick lie down in the sun so that the pretty gals can gaze upon my gray and wrinkled body, I can see them now, they just can’t get enough of me, they just love me so much, they can't stop kissing me, somebody said that they just thought I was dieing and were trying to do CPR on me, they were just jealous and besides, I know, I can tell, when I gave them some tongue they got sooo excited they ran away up the beach like crazy and I know it was to tell their friends how great I was -

    It's such a hard life, trying to please so many people - there’s just not enough of me to go around, I so hate having disappoint so many pretty women -

  8. =KenMarc=

    =KenMarc= Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    Scuba thanks for your reply, but what if I dont have a DVD-ROM? I have a CDRW and a DVDRW only, If am correct in your response your telling me to insert the DVD in the DVD-ROM and decrypt and burn in the DVDR?

  9. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Naaah there =KenMarc=, Ya work with what you have -

    Most don't have a CD burner and a DVD burner - As you know, the DVD burner also does CD's,, but I'm sure there are many like yourself had a CD burner and who bought a DVD burner to upgrade -

    When those that do have a DVD ROM but use their burner to read, they're working the heck out of their burner and it's taking far too long doing it incorrectly than it is to do the job correctly and (thinkin, did I say that right ? Damn, it's sure sounds complicated -)

    Anywho, using your burner you can wind up with a higher chance of an incorrect read and hence, a bad burn than the other more complicated way, thing, whatever, was doin and like that - -

    Auuuggh, Do it the way ya been doin it - did I say, work with what ya got ?

    That's it anyway :p)


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