The problem is that 1 hour ago I received an update message, looks like a small yellow shield. CLicked it and there were two for mellicious software and the other another security update...Updated, then restarted computer and now Recode 2 doesn't get past when I click whole disk or movie only...Dvd2one doesn't recognize the Dvd in player (Nec 3540a), yet Shrink, Intercopy 3, and Clonedvd2 recognizes the movie. Can anyone help me understand what has happened? Thanks you. MovieDud
@MovieDud Hey buddy dont worry u can get rid of those updates if u want all u have to do is go to add Remove programs and then there is a box above u have to tick and once uve clicked that just go down the list and uninstall the ones u have just recently put in. Good Luck
@borhan9, thank you my friend...You know I check from the Windows center on what updates I had received and I had received these I began to walk through each program (Inter copy 3, CloneDvd 2, Shrink...and they worked, except for the ones that I remembered when I had an earlier update these progs did the same thing...I love Recode 2 and I just reinstalled it and works perfectly...tow programs that I do not use any longer but still like to have them (1-Click, Dvd Cloner II, and then Dvd2one (which I love for the joining feature)...I simply re-installed them and they all work perfectly. I thought it had to do with the programs because Dvd Identifier and DvdInfoPro both recognize both the Nec and Sony Drives. Kind of strange but again thanks for the info becuase now I know where to find the updates. Thanks for your expertise. p.s. Did I read correctly on another thread that you are a Youth Worker? MovieDud
@MovieDud No problems You read correctly I am a Youth Worker. At the moment i work with young people with disabilities and i do casual work at a youth work place doin admin soo far... But next yr i wanna continue study and im goin to uni to do phsycology.
That is awe-some, you know I'm 37 and have been in the ministry for 18-19 years (13 years were as a Youth Minister). I've had some strange things happen lately and so I feel led to continue to work with young people, yet in a different capacity. There is a program entiled Operation Aware and they go into schools wpeaking to students about how to make better decisions, building their self-esteem and guiding them in helping them reach their full potential, well anyway I was asked to come a talk with the head of the organization and actually interview for a job. That is tomorrow. I have loved all aspects of the ministry, yet I had a bad incident that was done to me, out of my hands, that has cuased me to stop pray and see how God can use me in a different capacity...then this opportunity opened up. I told my wife that I do not want to die someday with accomplishing so much for me, but rather to spend the rest of my life influencing people of all ages to reach their full potential. I changed my life in March of 2001, when weighing 320 pounds I began a Lifestyle change that allowed me to lose weight and become, as a hobby or lifestyle, a triathlete and weighing 160 ibs. I have been able to help 1000 of people with decision making skills, changing habits into lifestyle growth. I don't know why I'm telling you all this except that I applaud your decision and your passion for helping youth and pursuing your goal of becoming a Psycologist. Happy burning and habve a great day MovieDud
Thats ok u created the thread and i dont c an issue with the question cause the main cause was dealt with Thanxs for the support The only wish i have is that i wish Govt would give more assistance to these welfare organsiations soo in the long run society can progress all together But to the govt its not finiancially good Sorry my lil rant
It's o.k. becuase I agree. Govenment complains about the situations that people (including children and youth) are in yet will not support many organizations that can help provide direction, mental and physical strenthening. As I said I want to spend my life helping others reach their full potential. I usually don't look at a glass as half-full or half-empty, but look for other glasses to fill. Always growing and passing on to others is such a feeling of making a difference rather than complaining, I like to leave people better off than when I first met them. You have a good day yourself and keep challenging and compeling youth and others to grow forward,willing to risk, and willing to fail...then and only then will a person begin to go forward. MovieDud