Again with the SV4 8882 error

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by CharlesBr, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. CharlesBr

    CharlesBr Member

    Jul 5, 2008
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    Yes I know there are several threads already started on this topic, and I have used the search function and read all the related threads. The only thread that had the specific problem I am am having was... and this was closed IMHO prematurely without an adequate answer. The other threads relating to this topic have solutions and I have followed these to the letter and still have had no joy. I believe this problem to be worthy of a separate thread as it is different and possibly requires a different solution. Maybe at some point an Admin will amalgamate all solutions into a solution thread

    I have a starview 4 usb which upon power on displays 8888 then displays 8882. To quote widget64 from the above mentioned thread...
    ... This is the exact problem I am having.

    I have tried two different cables. A store bought one and a home made one, with the following connections 2 to 3. 4 to 6. 5 to 5 and 7 to 8. This is the correct wiring for the Null Modem Cable?

    I have tried a laptop with a usb to serial converter "Com 3" and a desktop computer with a real com port "Com 1". Comm settings are correct as described in other threads.

    Nothing happens after the download button is pressed.

    Alot of the time in other threads when people mention the Max232 they call it a Jtag. I believe the box may indeed need to be Jtagged but I do not think this is in fact a Jtag interface.

    To summarize some questions...

    Is the max232 a jtag interface?
    Is the max232 interface sufficient to reprogram the CPU/bootloader?
    Does this box need to be Jtagged?
    What software is used for Jtagging?
    How do I get this box back to life?

    Answers to any of the above questions would be helpful.

    EAMO_TOO Regular member

    Jul 26, 2009
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    There are no J-TAG files available at present for STAVU 4
    The MAX 232 is not a J-TAG as it will not revive a box if LED diplay is
    not illuminated.I would say it's a first cousin.
    Persevere with max 232. Your box has proved it's not a clone, so it will
    work. These hiccups are sent to try us,just be stubborn & don't give in
    Make sure you have good connections to terminals in box, trim plastic
    around max 232 end to get connection right home,only if need be.
    Here's the killer blow to get your box dancing again.
    On starting MAX 232 download Hit power switch at rear of box OFF/ON,
    pause, OFF/ON continuously, pausing after ON to check is box taking
    download. After 10 attempts of OFF/ON if fix is not taking give box a
    break for 2 minutes & start again, maybe pausing slightly between OFF/ON
    After 10 attempts - 2 min break - Start again, pausing longer between
    OFF/ON & ON/OFF. If you are still in trouble your timing is very bad
    I'm no tekki & I don't willingly get involved with SVU 4 boxes, but I
    have done a couple for people, & they are working fine for 2 months.
    So plug away & I wish you luck. The divil looks after his own
  3. CharlesBr

    CharlesBr Member

    Jul 5, 2008
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    Thanks for the reply. The connections are good. I checked with a multimeter several times. I am off to bed now, but I will try the On/Off method you suggest in the morning. I hope it is only a timing issue as you suggest.

    EAMO_TOO Regular member

    Jul 26, 2009
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    Sleep well, get up nice & fresh, & beat the crap out of that SV4.
    When you get box working don't ever turn power off,use standby only.
    Some SV4's on N2 lose chls. when powered off.
    Others (showing INVALID BOX on INFO chl.)will die if powered off.
    This means you can't insert or remove USB without risk, so you might be better to insert USB stick before you commence 232 fix. the USB record function won't work with N2 fix. So if USB stick prevents 232 flash, remove it to get box fixed. The boxes I fixed with 232 had USB
    removed, but I wasn't aware of the perils of powering off box
  5. Skelly88

    Skelly88 Regular member

    Jun 12, 2009
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    So presumably if you've an SV4 and there's a power cut in your area it could cost you dearly!

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