Hello everyone, I'm back after a nine month absence. Bet theres loads of new members here now. Hope all the old ones are still here like my old mates Nephilim and ScubaPete. Be nice to hear from everyone again.
didn't scubbapete write some kinda guide, I remember reading it, very helpful, anyway, I'm new, nice to met you, been here 3 months
Hi 21Q, yeah Scubapete is a god among gods. Theres nothing he doesn't know about...well...everything really..!!! Nice to meet you.
Welcome back, agent-K. Neph is certainly around and while I haven't heard from ScubaPete in a while, something tell me he's lurking about...I certainly hope so anyway. We've lost quite a few members in your absense.
what were you doing for 9 months, soul searching??? longest time I did something was with lego bionicle, can build so many things with that stuff
Hey Agent-k I'm newer then you'll remeber probs - about 10 months now!!! lol Cos i only showed my head on forums about 2 months ago ish Anyway saw you on Irc - talk to you sometime there. Anywho welcome back...
Rav, are you sure it wasn't agent-krang you met in the #ad_buddies channel? similar nick but 2 entierly different people. I queried him to see if if was our beloved agent-k, who had finally returned to us. but I was sadly dissapointed. Anyways, welcome back agent-k. it's about damn time;-)
hey Geestar, thanks for the welcome...Wow..your an addict now, about time too cos you've been here about 100 years. Hello Bubba I beleive congrats are in order. How did you find the time?
I actually bribed the admins with a 6 figure incentive, HA! But hey forreal, DAMN GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK!