Well there is this girl at my school that I like a whole lot! She's really cute and has the most infectious laugh and great personality. As I said before I like her alot! But I've no clue if she likes me back! We've got 2 periods out of 4 at school together along with lunch too. I know many of her friends and was considering asking her friends who she likes and stuff but thougt that wouldn't be good since they'd probably blab it too her right as they heard what I said. I think she might like me since the other day I was sitting in class at my desk which happens to be right next to the door so I can see the hallway from my seat easily. She walked by and glanced in our class and was about to walk by but saw me and walked back and waved to me. I've asked other people and they said this is a sure sign that she likes me but I'm still not confident enough to ask her! Can you help me at all?
Well my advice to you depends entirely on how old you two are. If your in middle school then flirt with her.. if she flirts back ask her to the movies.. if your in highschool then you gotta play it right... flirt subtly with her... droppin hints here and there... don't get yourself to out there tho.. you don't want to go up to her screaming omg i love you.. you need to play it back a bit... trust me... if you put yourself out there right way you've lost all control then its all up to her... Just be nice to her, flirt with her, take her to a concert or art exibit, museum... chicks love that stuff... Call her out of the blue some night just to say hi.. again chicks love that.... If its nice one afternoon after school and you don't live eighty miles away ask her if she wants to walk home.. unless you both have cars then ask to head to a park for some frisbee....
i suggest we have a dear abby board and Nephilim to be abby as Nephilim can answer all the i love her,she does not love me he hates me and lost love posts.. heres a starter for neph DEAR ABBY: I am 13, and all of my friends are talking about their first kisses. I can't join in because I have never been kissed, and I'm afraid that when I do, it will be horrible. Do you have any advice? I read somewhere that you are supposed to write the alphabet with your tongue. Please help me. -- WORRIED WOMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO
Oh yeah.. DON'T ask her friends if she likes you... What you should do is aks her who's shes into... but you can't just come out and ask her... you gotta start some convorsation and then just slip it in there... I checked your profile and saw your 14 so I guess that means middle school... So flirt, take her to the movies... also one thing that you might want to consider.. (and there are several girls I wish I'd done this with) you gotta understand that in two or three years she's going to blossom.... you know what I mean.... so now is a good time to lay some ground work.. maybe get in as a good friend or date for a while (chances are your not going to date her all the way through middle and into high school)... because dating in highschool is waaaaay more fun than middle school... and then theres college where, well I'm just going to say that its wonderful...
High School, k thx. Thanks for all the help yall' but I'm still too shy/unconfident I guess are the words?
Don't be shy. Be sure of yourself... it gets easier my friend it gets easier... You just have to get past the first few girls then your confidence level will go up... Whats the worst that can happen?
What you need to do is wait until no one is around, and I mean no one...not anyone within screaming range. And then you sneak....wait, wait, wrong forum sorry. LOL Don't sweat it, these things will all come with time. Just position yourself next to her. Sit close by at lunch and in class, maybe pass her a silly note during class or something. Become freinds and then pounce, like a tiger.
when all else fails, there's always chloroform. ahh there is no sweeter phrase than "hey tell me what this napkin smells like."
The best thing a guy can do is be himself. If she likes you, you'll know. Girls usually drop big hints. I liked a guy who was extremely shy, so I just flat I told him I liked him, and it worked for me. Girls like attention and compliments (not too much though, that's stalker material), so if you drop small hints, she'll notice. Good luck with it!
thinking of jake, eh? or tom...or that other dude i forget? lol. communication is a major part of life, crispduck. a lot to get a relationship going, then next to none once your old and married so the bitty doesn't bash your head in with a frying pan
i know crispduck's a little young for marriage, but marriage is easy peasy, it's what comes afterwards that's difficult