ok here is my motherboard http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?dlc=en&lc=en&product=435559&cc=us&docname=c00069442 it has AGP 8x and i have this card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=14-145-076&depa=0 clearly AGP8x well i went into the bio's and noticed my primary display driver was set to PCI!? and it had a option for onboard/AGP which i changed it to but i was told that is the onboard graphics mode and that AGP/onboard is the mode i need but there is no option for it what do i do the card run's but i dont think im getting the full power from it -_- please help
i just check i think i told it backwords cause my bio's is in AGP/onboard and i think that's the wrong mode BTW does anyone know how to clean my control panel it has 2 nview icons in it kind annoying to see even when i uninstalled my card and nvidia it was still there heres a pic http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=13778FPp2p&i=82682
what kinda fixes? is AGP/onboard what it suppose to be for AGP cards? ive swicthed it from PCI to AGP/onboard is that right? for my AGP 8X