Got a bit of a problem - i've got the latest version of itunes and the latest firmware on my video ipod. When i put some music on my ipod I also attach the album art which i can then see in the bottom left hand corner of itunes. However when i actually look on my ipod the album art doesn't appear although it does appear for albums that were on my ipod before i upgraded to the latest version of itunes. Anyone know why this might be or anything to check ? Thanks
This is how i got mine to work, 1.first thing make sure that the song has a album art, play it in itunes, the album art should show, if it does not show just attach it 2.make sure your ipod is set to show album art, in iTunes7 this option is listed next to where you choose if you want your ipod to be recognised as a Harddrive Hope this helps,
thqanks for the reply - in itunes all the album art displays without a problem. If i click on one of the songs, right click and select properties i can see the art within each individual song. I also have that option ticked in itunes 7 - show album art. I may uncheck it and then recheck and see if that refreshes it.
i know this might sound stupid,but which iPod do you have?, what i mean does it support showing album art? To load your music to your iPod make sure you use iTunes, becouse i have found out that using others programs e.g sharepod,yamipod,winamp Plugin they dont support the album art in my iPod, and i have the 5G 30Gig Ipod Video
This works, I had the same problem. You must add the art to your music in your iTunes Library first, then add it to your iPod. If you have to delete it off your iPod and add it again thats what you need to do. I just had this problem and fixed all my messed up artwork. hope this helps
solution to this is to upgrade to the latest itunes ( 7.0.2 ) and you have to reapply ALL your album art for to to appear on your ipod.