if im trying to back up a cd, it gives me the option of choosing which protection the cd has, when i try and back up a dvd, it doesnt give me those options. whats with that, and how can i set the protection mode for my pc dvd back up? thanks
I'm kinda new at using A120 but when I go to burn my dvd it tells me there's not enough space on my blank dvd to hold the compilation. Does Alcohol have any type of compression settings to remedy this or is there a remedy to correct this problem. Maybe A120 is not really the right software for burning dvds ? Thanks for your advice, strone
Alcohol is not a dvd decrypter or compression tool, its just a very good burning engine which has the advantage of ignoring your hardware's information about speed and media type and uses its own specs. For instance I cannot copy dvds on-the-fly with Nero because its misunderstanding my LG's reading speed so I use Alcohol for DVD-5 discs and in combination with AnyDvd to copy protected DVD-5 disc. For compressing and decrypting just use Dvd Shrink just perfect!
its 'v8 supercars 2' and the protection is 'starforce' when i go to copy a game that is a cd, alcohol 120 gives me the option of changing the 'data type', you know the drop down menu where you select the copy protection. when i go to copy a pc game that is on dvd (v8 supercars 2 in this case), the data type drop down menu isnt there, the only thing that is there is the option to 'skip reading errors', and thats it. so why when i go to copy a pc dvd game, alcohol doesnt give the option of choosing which copy protection the disc has? how can i set the copy protection without the data type drop down menu? thanks
Strange. I've never had a game that used StarForce so I've no personal experience with it. From what I gather StarForce is almost impossible to back up. Here's an intersting article about how the protection works: http://www.firingsquad.com/features/starforce_interview/default.asp This thread sort of meanders but there's more good info about Starforce. http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=99958&highlight=supercars
so have you tried to copy a pc dvd game? if so, did alcohol 120 give you the option of choosing the copy protection from the datatype drop down menu, or was the menu not there, like in my case?
Hi, I haven't had the chance to back up a DVD PC game yet. When Far Cry came out I checked all the local stores here and none of them had the DVD version.