I just got my plextor premium and liteon 166s drives yesterday and I am trying to back up Far Cry that has safedisc v3.15 as detected by A-Ray. Someone suggested I use Alcohol 120% with safedisc 2/3 profile selected and read/write speed at 4x in the plex premium. Now I did this and I see these warning triangle listing saying: Read Data Examination Error Does this mean it is not backing up properly? Or is this something that just happens while it's backing up? Could someone that has these two drives give me a couple pointers on backing up safedisc 3.15 and 3.2?
I think that they are 'bad secotors' inserted by the protection that, if you used a good backup profile, can be easily skipped using the 'fast error skip' capability of good software [Alcohol 120% has the 'Skip reading errors' and the 'Fast skip error blocks' (Not every device suports this function) swotched whitched ON for the Safedisc profile].
Those read errors are normal during image making wizard or copy wizard, this process may take awhile but after 10% or so it will zip through the process. Just let it do its thing and you should be on easy street.
Yeah, Far Cry came out perfect. Works in both drives. I just saw those yellow triangles and freaked out, lol. Thanks.
GROOVEY! Alot of people ask that, and think its faulting out or not copying correctly. Hope to see you around!