Alcohol 120% settings for SecuROM

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by jester15x, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. jester15x

    jester15x Member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I have recently downloaded Alcohol cause I thought it would be as easy to use as CloneCD, well I uninstalled Clone CD because I thought that Alcohol was my new answer, it might be in some aspects but Im so confused. I have no idea the settings I should be using for myself, I have been scaling the Forums for the last 2 days in Alcohols website and they wont anwser my questions. So I look for further help. First off I have ClonyXXL, I uninstalled CloneCD v3 cause I thought I didnt need it anymore, so now I need that again, but every link I try is broke for the new version V4. I tried making an image of WarCraft 3 at first I though it was Securom V4.x cause I read in a list on the alcohol website that it was 4.68 so I used Securom v4.X and it didnt work then I used Securom NEW and it worked but then I noticed that when I restarted my comp the image I just burnt on the CD was now an AUDIO CD why? SO now I have an image sitting in my Alcohol Screen when I open it up so Im able to play the game after mounting from 1 drive to another. I know you guys posted how to do make a copy of Warcraft3 but I still dont understand what to do, I was wandering if there was anybody who could sit with me and help me out on how to use this program, so Im comfortable, I know this might be difficult but Im lost and dont know what to do, by the way I am still writing in the Alcohol format. I have an IDE-CD R/RW 32x Firmware C1.7 the drivers are from 1999, would I need to update? and an AVX-CD/DVD-ROM, Pentium 3 633 Windows 98 second Edition. Well I hope a message this BIG wasnt posted before. Im sorry I hope that someone could please help me get going so Im comfortable and were to donwload CloneCD v4.

    Thanks for all your time,

  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Use Blindwrite Suite 4.25 (or latest build) to backup Warcraft III. We have stickey threads (guides) on how to backup SecuROM 4.x.

    Shoey :)

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