Hello and good day to all out there. I'm new to forums so you all will have to bear with me. I recently installed an older version of 120% 1.4.7 to be exact. I went to play CAll of duty and it tells me to disable alcohol 120 before playing the game. What do I do??? Help My e-mail id noemailsallowed@afterdawn.com
No posting email addies, champ It seems the SafeDisc protection that Call of Duty uses has blacklisted that older version of A120 so you can either update A120 to version 1.92 or uninstall it. Welcome to AfterDawn
Many tanks to the mod for the insiteful info. If you don't mind I have a few questions. I will in the next few days upgrade to the new 1.9.2 ver. I was using ver.1.4.7 and that might be the issue. I was pokin' around in the registry tryin to find out where it installed so I can do a clean-uninstall, but I could not find it?? what is alcohol 120% listed as in the registry and what is the best way to get the cleanist uninstall fo I can re-install the demo, until my boxed copy arrives???
This great little utility will list the A120 entry and allow you to delete it http://www.worldstart.com/weekly-download/archives/reg-cleaner4.3.htm