The latest DSI firmware update for the US and EU regions is out. Version 1.4.2 blocks known flashcard, including the Acekard 2i, EZ-Flash Vi etc.The software-based exploit known as SudokuHax is reported to still function. Update: Cards have been blocked, do not update! Below is the Working/Not working flashcard: Working: *Cyclo iEvo *Sudokuhax *Action Replay DSi *R4i Gold 3DS *iSmart MM *Supercard DStwo *R4i-SDHC *M3i Zero *Acekards
Iplayer has an update on their site now for 1.4.2, just to let you know... Wonder if this will enable 3DS usage? o.0 Sucks that they haven't supported the card for use in the 3DS... :-( Not that it matters much to me now, because I went and bought a Supercard DSTWO! ^o^ EDIT - Nope, still doesn't work in 3DS. not that I expected it to... :-(