all dothalo tags

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by chong50, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    if any one has any tag it here i will relpy as fast as i can. i know every tag feel free to ask about any tag.
  2. xMod4Funx

    xMod4Funx Regular member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Mode, if I pasted meta over the RL from the br would the rl look like a br?
  3. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    you can not paste meta over weaps
    but you can make the br look and sound like the rl...or the other way around.....long will take me while to reply

    [bipd]- Biped Tag

    This tag:

    a) controls the jump height of the characters
    b) toggles on/off the flashlight
    c) edits how far one can enter a vehicle or pickup a weapon
    d) edits how tall the game thinks you character is (if its at .08 other people can't hit you if they aim higher)

    [bitm] - Bitmap Tag

    This tag:

    a) Opens the Raw Data Editor which:
    b) allows you to extract/inject bitmaps
    c) tells you the DXT format of the bitmaps
    d) tells you where the bitmap is located so you know where to look when you internalize it

    [bloc] - "See-able Obstacles"

    This tag:

    a) contains objects that 99% of the time can be seen by others (XBC/XBL) when spawned
    b) allows you to change the properties of said obstacles

    [cont] - Contrail Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to edit the properties of the contrail
    b) change the appearance of the contrail

    [eqip] - Pickups Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change the sound when ammo or a powerup is picked up

    [hlmt] - Characteristics Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to specify whether an object is invincible
    b) allows you to change the type of thing an object is
    c) allows you to change how the object is displayed (how weapons are held etc.)
    d) allows you to change the effects of an object (lighting, etc.)

    [itmc] - Weapon Set Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change what weapons spawn on the map
    b) allows you to change how many seconds it takes for weapons to respawn

    [jpt!] - Impact Properties Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change how far the target is propelled when hit
    b) allows you to change how far the assaulter is propelled when hit
    c) allows you to change how much damage is inflicted by being hit with something
    d) allows you to change how much damage is inflicted by firing something
    e) allows you to change the damage range
    f) allows you to specify if it's a headshot or explosion
    g) allows you to specify what propeties that impat has

    [mach] - Machinery tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change the speed of the train, gate, etc.

    [matg] - Map Properties Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change the running/crouching speed of the players
    b) allows you to change the properties/sounds of the map
    c) allows you to change what projectile is "thrown" when I specified grenade type is used

    [mode] - Model Properties Tag

    This Tag:

    a) allows you to null out shaders (to remove scopes, triggers, clips, etc)
    b) allows you to do shader swaps
    c) allows you to inject custom models (DARKMATTER ONLY)

    [mulg] - Multiplayer Game Properties Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change the sounds that play at a particular time (Double kills, flag captures, bomb arms)
    b) allows you to change the damage effect of the bomb to a different weapon
    c) allows you to shader swap the KOH Hill , and the waypoint indicators

    [phmo] - Bioproperties tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to specify whether or not an object is alive
    b) allows you to change the weight of an object

    [proj] - Projectile Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to change the initial and final speeds of the projectile
    b) allows you to specify the life span of the projectile
    c) allows you to set the following (homing) capabilities of the projectile
    d) allows you to change the damage radius of the impact of the projectile
    e) allows you to change the effects of this projectile impacting various textures
    f) allows you to change the light given off of this projectile
    g) allows you to change the sound of the projectile

    [scnr] - Map Breakdown Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to remove or replace pieces of scenery
    b) allows you to change the areas in which certain [itmc] functions are placed
    c) allows you to remove certain machinery such as trains, lifts, or gates
    d) allows you to remove lights from the map
    e) allows you to remove or replace the noise of the map (birds, bugs, loud speakers)
    f) allows you to remove the fog from a map
    g) allows you to remove decorative pieces of the map such as trash, signs, or tall grass
    h) allows you change the areas in which certain [vehc] functions are placed
    i) allows you to remove or replace the sounds that the scenery of the map gives off
    j) allows you to change the sky of the map to that of another (you need to import another sky)
    k) allows you to remove or replace the weather conditions

    [vehi] - Vehicle Editor Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to make a vehicle fly, have a handbrake, or have boost
    b) allows you to change the traction, weight, speed and horsepower of a vehicle
    c) allows you to change the properties of the seats in a vehicle
    d) allows you to change the weapon of a vehicle
    e) allows you to change the camera angle and HUD of the vehicle
    f) allows you to change the light, contrail, and sounds of the vehicle

    [vehc] - Vehicle Placement Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to replace the locations of where certain vehicles spawn with a vehicle of your choice
    b) allows you to change the time span in which the vehicle respawns

    [weap] - Weapon Properties Tag

    This tag:

    a) allows you to specify if the weapon has burst fire and how many bullets per burst
    b) allows you to change the amout of ammo you can carry, and how much ammo is in a clip
    c) allows you to change the amount of rounds reloaded
    d) allows you to set the rate at which the gun recharges its ammo supply
    e) allows to make a weapon auto, semi-auto, etc. (not most versions of DotHalo)
    f) allows you to change the HUD of a weapon
    g) allows you to change the muzzle flash of a weapon
    h) allows you to change what projectile is fired out of the weapon
    i) allows you to change how fast/how much battery is wasted (plasma weapons)
    j) allows you to specify whether you can use binoculars, melee, lunge, or dual-wield this weapon
    k) allows you to change the zoom levels on the weapon
    l) allows you to change the range the weapon can reach
    m) allows you to change the degree of auto-aim of the weapon if enabled
    n) allows you to change how much recoil a weapon has
    o) allows you to change the damge effect for "melee-ing" with that particular weapon

    your welcome
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2006
  4. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    hey you seem to know what yuor doing im not sure if this is relevant but how do you make it look like your flying a sword or a weapn or anything do you change the hlmt tag of a sword to a banshee? im just guessing please help.

    and mod for fun if you want the br to look like a rocket launcher etc the just change the hlmt of the rl to the br and go into the weap tag and change the mode of the fp model (fp=firstperson)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  5. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    im actually not sure you should try going to the [hlmt] tag and changing the [mode] tag of the banshee to the energy sword.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  6. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    yeh but that would mean the modder would see it you would need to give the carbine banshee properties not the other way round
  7. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    when did the carbine get in this mean you want to have the ppl not modding to see that your flying the sword
  8. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    yeh but i just learned thats not possible unless the weapon has the meta ofset of, say a banshee but that just makes the xbox crash and people say the senitnel beam is the only weapon that other poeple can see the model for but that is not true only you can see it. but its is possible for you to look like your flying a sword. if anyone wants a tutorial on how to do that just ask.
  9. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    wow ok hit it up with a tut
  10. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    ok i did not make this tut i asked for one at halo mods so i am taking no credit! so here goes:

    What you probably know is that everybody in a modded game without a mod chip can only see projectiles that shoot out of a Plasma Pistol or a Rocket Launcher.
    What you probably didn't know is that there is one weapon, than when you change the skin of it, everybody can see the different skin, too. That weapon is the sentinel beam.

    First thing you have to do it go to the <weap> tag, and open up the sentinel_agressor. Go to the Dependencies Swapper, and change the <hlmt> tag (objects\weapons\support_low\sentinel_gun\sentinel_gun) to whatever model you want to drive.

    So yes, you can drive a mine, an uberchassis, a box, an elite, or a turret. Anything in the hlmt tag.

    Next, open the <vehi> tag and open the vehicle that you want to swap to with. Choose banshee if you want it fly, choose ghost if you want it to have a boost, or choose warthog if you want more than one person in it at a time. Open up the Dependency Swapper and change the <weap> there (either banshee_gun, ghost_gun, or warthog horn) to the Sentinel Beam.

    Finally, open up the <mode> tag and scroll down until you find a file path in there that begins with [objects/vehicles/*the vehicle you just edited*]. Open every file that belongs to that vehicle in the Dependency editor and Null Out whatever you see it there.

    For the banshee or ghost, there are only four file paths that you have to open and then Null out, but for the warthog there is about ten.

    Then do the same thing for the shad tag, the lens tag, and the cont tag.

    What this does it make every part of the vehicle invisible except for the weapon. And of course, the weapon is a sentinel beam with a different skin that everybody in the game can see.

    by the way a recent auto update has made the senintel beam like every other weapon so that other people cant see the hlmt changes but you can see it and it looks pretty funny ^^. one more tip its good if the hltm is bigger then the vehicle then the bipd looks like its actually in the object!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  11. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    that's right!! couldent give enough detail...srry..
  12. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    hey chong what your gamertag?
    and people look at my sig and donwload mt relic its awesome!
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006
  13. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    my old tag is: chong50, New tag: TAxIAPOC4LYPS3I
  14. h59

    h59 Guest

    Wow, unbelievable what you can do with an xbox and a computer.
  15. chong50

    chong50 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    lol i know
  16. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    cool ill add you
  17. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    theres loads more stuff i f you get into hex editing you can do anything i mean anything with a map! but it extremely complicated well thats what i think.
  18. h59

    h59 Guest

    I am working on this great mod, I have been working on it for two weeks.
  19. halotwo

    halotwo Regular member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    thank you chong50 for posting these tags. it will make it easier for me to create maps. your cool
  20. xxboxxx

    xxboxxx Member

    Dec 11, 2005
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    my relic is pretty cool cool skin link in my sig!
    oh yeh sorry to point this out chong but if you try and change the scnr tag except for itmc tag i think. your map just crashes i tried to make it so that masterchiefs spawn instead of crates just crashed.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2006

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