all I want is evox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by generr, May 30, 2006.

  1. generr

    generr Member

    May 15, 2006
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    I have an umodded xbox with the ms dash. I want to put evox on it. some say i have to flash the bios first and some say i don`t who is right? if any one knows pleeeease let me know. I have evox, pbl,and cromwell bios if needed.iwould like to do it through my laptop or dvd rom.
  2. cearel

    cearel Guest

    ok first of all you need to mod ur xbox or you cant change anything.
  3. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    well evo-x is a dashboard... you can mod the xbox 2 ways.. either by the long and complicated process of modchip or the fastest easiest way with softmods... and cheaper too . on this fourm read the top thread ....

    basicly you need 1 of 3 special games.. 007 agent under fire aka 007 auf or spliter cell or mechassult... usualy it cost $5 bucks.. and the ar kit to transfer the hack exploits.. and less then 5 mins you got your self a fully modded xbox...

    end result is same unisged codes back up games and so on . oh and this softmod will now allow you to use xbox live. and you wont get ban
  4. cearel

    cearel Guest

  5. KillaJB

    KillaJB Member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    i have a chipped box and need 2 know 1 thing i have EVOX 3935 dash biuld and it come with evo x M7 BIOS can i use that with a xenium Gold chip or do i need a newer version like M8+ Evo X BIOS?
    Thnx 4 any help
  6. cearel

    cearel Guest

    you can use it

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