Well, it's like the title says. Nero vision either exits out of the program as soon as I start trying to encode, or my computer will freeze miday way through. DivxtoDVD crashes my computer somewhere around 25 to 35 minutes--same deal with DIKO. Keep in mind that I tried Multiple AVIs (they can't all be corrupted) and have not had any luck. Please let me know what you think the problem(s) may be
Could be your computer set up. Fast processor? Plenty of memory? Try reinstalling the programs and don't do anything else while it's running converting.
hi as Fiji5555 says, converting takes 100% of your cpu resources so no multi tasking at all. it could also be a overheating problem, maybe the dust bunnies have grabbed hold. give the inside a good clean up. including the back of the fans and the fins of the heat sink
Sigh....I was afraid that might be the problem. I've got a feeling I'm gonna need a mask on when I open my computer and a shower after I'm done cleaning it up. Well, when I get the time tomorrow I'll clean it out and post if I have any luck with my converters.
Alright, I got convertxtoDVD to work fully--but I'm not sure if it was just dumb luck. Here's what I did. 1. Turned off screen saver and energy saver (not sure if this has any affect, please let me know) 2. Reduced video acceleration all the way (is all the way necessary?) 3. Changed the priority on convertX to below normal (again, just experimenting so let me know if this did anything) Let me know what I should tweak and leave alone from these things and thanks for all the advice so far.