Hello, I feel confident that this question has been asked before, but I did search and could not find it anywhere. I am a beginner who bought dxdXcopy Gold and have used "express" to back-up my dvds. However, one of my originals has gotten damaged, and I have found that I am unable to back-up my back-up. Having already paid $100+ for dvdXcopy, I really do not want to sink a lot more into software. I see a lot of people talking about DVDshrink - but after reading the online guide for it on this forum, I do not know if it is an equivalent to dvdXcopy. I also see that you can download DvdDecrypter for free, but it appears it is only for smaller movies. Is DvdShrink an equivalent to Xcopy? Can I shrink and burn with it - or is it only for shrinking? Also, can I somehow use DvdShrink to compress and then use DvdDecrypter to burn? I guess my main goal is to make single-disk back-ups of my Dvds and have the ability to "copy a copy" should I need to later. Sorry for the long post - just wanted to explain thoroughly. Any/All help is GREATLY appreciated. Chris
Hi Chris37. I admit a bit biased on this subject, but I believe DVD Shrink to be actually better in every respect to DVDXCopy (any version). Why don't you simply give it a try, it's free. To get a feel of what it is capable of, I'd also suggest you view some of the guides at: http://www.dvdshrink.info/guides.php They include 3 new ones for v3.1, the new version that has been released today.
Hi Chris37, X copy software won't re copy its own copies. However you should be able to copy the backup with any regular disc copy program. I use Nero Express to do it when necessary. Insert your recorded copy, click copy complete disc, insert blank when it tells you. Done. Jerry
Hi Chris37, based on countless stories and recommendations, I'd say that DVD Shrink is definitely the way to go, and the price is right! I would recommend getting the 2.3 version, since the 3.? versions are betas and are working out bugs. Shrink is a ripping and a compression program, so you can compress the file to fit the max 4.7 gb storage space of a DVD. Decrypter is also a good choice, but I don't know if it has compression capabilities. I'd use Shrink and a good burning software, preferably Recordnow Max 4.5- Nero is also a choice, but there have been noted problems using Nero. Again the price is great so download it with the guides provided and see what you think.
Hi guys, I downloaded Shrink 3.1 from Doom 9. One very cool feature is the preview screen. Right click on it and you can select different audio tracks to listen to. Very helpful if you are not sure which one to use. I recommend taking a look at it. Its a leap forward! Hi ddlooping, Thanks for the great guides! BTW I've been using "Wink" to make my own guides, fun stuff! Frank
Thanks to all for their assistance. I looked at the tutorials for DvdShrink - and it seems like it is part of what I am looking for. However, if I am understanding it right, I will also need bruning software to use after I use DvdShrink...???... If this is so, can someone suggest a cheap (or freeware) program that will work? Also, how much does this Nero program cost? Thanks again. Chris
One more thing... I am using Windoes XP which came with the following pre-installed: - Movie Shaker - DVD it! - Simple DVD Maker will one of these work to burn a copy after I use Shrink? Thanks again, Chris
Hi Chris, Nero has a 30 day demoversion: http://www.nero.com/us/631898252770313.html I used the new version for the first time this evening. With older versions of Shrink you had to use a burning program after decrypting and compressing with Shrink. The new version of Shrink will burn as well if you have Nero installed. I didn't have to open Nero. When the burn was finished, I got the message "Shrink has finished burning your movie." Frank
I have backed up many movies using DVD Decrypter, DVD2one and Nero. This combo is very reliable. DVD Decryter is free and very configurable. What a great ripping program. (Movie only or complete dvd, etc). Try the movie only setting and rip in IFO mode. Use DVD2one to recode the files that were ripped. DVD2one is not free, but worth the $. It is also very configurable. It can do complete dvd or movie only, and you can choose audio tracks, languages, subtitles etc to save as much space as possible. It can compress a dvd9 movie to one dvd, or put both sides of a flipper disc to one dvd. DVD Shrink can also put 2 separate dvds to one, but it requires much more effort and is not quite as smooth as it has a slight pause where it makes the transition. Do Not use the variable bit rate as I have had problem with some players reading vbr movies. Nero burns as well as any software. It is not free, but is reasonably priced. Drag all the files that were created by DVD2one into the VIDEO_TS folder in the Nero layout window that opens when a DVD video compilation is selected and hit the burn icon. This 3 step, 3 software process is hard to beat, and all the software can be downloaded.
HEy! U guys tried the UPDATED DVDXcopy Xpress(v.4)? The .4 version they have now is working great for me! And i have NOT had to take any other of the zillion programs off my desktop that came with my XP Home., just disable my McAfee Security temporarily(U r offline anyway). Check it OUT!
Hi I tried to burn my DVD Decrypter, DVD2One created files in latest version of nero 6.3x I get the same problem as when I tried copy2DVD I`m told it`s too big for my media , Memorex DVD-r , 4.7 gigs . The DVD2one files are only 4.47 gigs I`ve been @ this for too long , my 1st efforts started with DVDxcopy platinum . I`m thinking I`ll never make a full intact DvD . Is this all a scam like the moon landing Hehehehehe . Is anyone really copying full intact DvD`s , are you all conspiring against me . Hehehehe