Here's what I did: 1) used RipBurnEdit to truncate my MP3's to a suitable length for a ringtone 2) put them up on my http server (Apache running on Red Hat linux) 3) used the browser in my phone, plugged in the URL for the MP3's: Invader Zim Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music MC Chris - Boba Fett my band, Time to Burn - Baby I Need Your Lovin' 4) once the MP3 is stored in my phone just go through the multimedia menus on the phone to select them as either general ring tone or go through the address book and set them as ringtones for individuals. -Matt
i admire this technique and to the originator of this post, i have sent you a private message, plz read it as soon as possible!
Good idea but check your phone bill, you'll get charged for data usage. So you end up paying for the mp3s.
no, i get charged for 5cents per kb of download and thats it, so i onli get charged around a few quarters to a dollar one time