I just bought this card on ebay see link: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5201325491&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MEWA:IT&rd=1 Is this the real deal or what because once I installed it and ran the DirectX Diagnostic tool (& then in Display tab) the NAME read: Radeon 9250 128MB but the Approx total memory read: 256 MB. So have I bought a 256MB card or a 128MB card?? Please help. cheers!
I've got 512MB of Ram on the Motherboard. But seriously, is this a 256MB card or a 128MB card. Im confused. Should I feel ripped off!
is there a label on the card that has 128 or 256 on it. check this link about your card http://www.ati.com/products/radeon9250/index.html i think you have 256meg on card as i ran dxdiag on mine & shows proper amount. possible only 128meg has been used by graphics at that time
Yeah it has got a sticker on it and it says 256MB. But thats all it is - a sticker (maybe I'm being paranoid). Could it be that my mobo can only handle up to 128MB cards. Would flashing the mobo BIOS help? cheers
has nothing to do with the motherboard. more likely windows used 128meg out of 256meg & fact that dxdiag is showing 256meg & sticker does say 256meg so might be paranoira
So in a nutshell, would you say that the advert (see first post at top) was misleading - or I need to know a bit more about graphics cards. Is an ATI 9250 a good card. Isnt 256MB is pretty decent?
no the ad was right as i checked with ati. it is by no means a top of the line video card & the 256meg is good as the 512meg cards are only just coming online if i'm right. but next time check your local computer stores if you hadn't before to see what they might have in good cards
remember the dxddiag box says Saphire Radeon 9250 128 with 256 memory. However at auction it was described Sapphire Radeon 9250 256.
the 128 might not be 128meg but 128 bit instead of 64 bit. so you have an ati radeon 128bit 256meg 8x agp videocard
Sounds like it was meant to be misleading for the buyer!! it has 256MB of DDR memory. but 128 bit memory interface??
twoshoes is a friend of mine and he showed me the box it came in. A sticker has been put over the 128MB and replaced by a 256mb on the front in the right hand corner.
It is a learning experience for all of us. Let us kneel upon the floor and contemplate things that were and have passed.... you can probably guess I'm not fussed anymore!Lets move on... cheers for your advice ddp!