It was just Gear79's birthday and Creaky's a week or two ago ... young whipper snappers both! At the age of 53, am I the oldest guy here? Should I change by username to Grandpa? Well boys, guess I'll finish my Lawrence Welk rerun, take my Geritol and daily dose of exlax and go take a nap. Gerry D.
Go look at this thread to see what peoples ages are. There's a user called GrandpaBW who maybe in the same age region as you. ( no offense intended there Gramps).
I don't think of myself as older then most...nor do I consider that having a few more grey hairs then most makes me older... It's only when AARP starts sending me brochures that really gets me pissed off...
You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks. This Old Geek is 63 with 12 grandkids and 8 great grandkids. My kids are very prolific.
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.
No, No...I'm not lamenting my age here but I really was curious! You guys are all really terrific. Scubabud is right that a few grey hair mean nothing...but you know, I got an AARP application in the mail right on my 50th birthday; it was annoying. I guess there are soome guys older than me here and 2oldgeek is seeing to that AD has members for decades to come! Thanks for the responses guys! ... Gerry
Yeah Creaky, I love quotes from one of the greatest american spokesmen, Will Rogers. Some of my roads have been a little rocky and if I had known I was gonna live this long........I'd have taken better care of myself LOL
Nothing could be truer...and it gives you stronger legs in the process! (Boy, aren't we a philosophical bunch!)
if it makes you all geesers (j/k) feel better, i got lots of grey hairs too... @ 31 yrs old at that, my side burns are turning all grey, i have them all over the back of my neck, some on top, even found a few in the mustache and goatee. (and by the way, creaky called me a geeser in my b-day thread, so i figured i'd pass it along)