I have dl movies that I want to burn to cd or dvd for my dvd player. The problem is my dvd player will play Xvids but not movies that have been compressed with angel potion, video2 or AVGigaAVICodec. My question is, how to change, add or redo the movie files for Xvid? I have a few converters, but not sure which one(s) to use. Can you help me please??? Thanks, Sapph
Angel Potion was just another hack of MS MPEG-4. If it is MS MPEG-4 V3 then changing the fourCC to DIV3 or mp43 may help. The others don't sound like MPEG-4 based codecs, so you would just need to convert. VirtualDubMod should be fine for converting.
Ok, it didn't work w/Virtual Dub, the message was that it couldn't locate decompressor H264(unknown) VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media player, are not suitable. Any other suggestions, please. Thanks, Sapph
Thanks for help-I decided just to re-download only the Xvid movies and tv shows. Too much hassle to try and convert... Sapph