Animal Crossing + M3DSS and Wi-Fi?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by blenky, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. blenky

    blenky Guest

    Hi I've got 'Animal Crossing - Wild World' loaded on my M3DDS and I am having trouble setting up the Wi-Fi connection to Nintendo Wi-Fi.

    In the Wi-Fi set up in the game it finds my router fine. I'm positive I've entered the correct settings, however when I try to connect I just get an error message saying it can't find an IP address.

    Does Wi-Fi work OK using games via the M3DSS?

    Any suggestions?
  2. blenky

    blenky Guest

    Its OK I managed to get it to work! Netgear router - had to set a static IP address for the DS.
  3. jemobo

    jemobo Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    May I ask how you went about setting a static IP address?
  4. murph13

    murph13 Guest

    how do i get m3 for ds? can someone post a link?

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