Check out this tutorial I wrote: UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!! New Link!! Please use these items carefully - I am not responsible if you destroy your game because you didn't read all the warnings I gave.
Nice guide! It is kind of hard to do, but it only worked once. Every other time I tried to do it, it worked but when I did Final Save it said there was an external error or something. Does anyone know what is wrong?
hm i haven't gotten the external error. try closing out of both cheat engine and animal map before doing it again.. hopefully thatll work
Well, it still doesn't work. Whenever I click Final Save it says this,"Internal error-can not save (buffer mismatch). Please email (website's email adress)." It seems like my AnimalMap program knows that I'm hacking into it, because even if I put in an item that's supposed to be in AnimalMap, it still says that. But maybe it's that I have exotic beds as beds (attic). I'll see what happens when I remove them. EDIT: I found out how to do it! Before I did save changes (in the player inventory) before the second scan. But now I figured out you're not supposed to do it like that.
ah, glad you figured it out. When I get a chance I'll make a note on that guide saying not to save changes in between steps.. just go through the whole thing before saving anything
In your guide, you said to send you some lv 3 + 4 adresses, so here are some: 00227-00251 are rocks, and 00232-00236 are money rocks.
um, snowman89, this has nothing to do with friend codes, this thread is talking about obtaining danger level 3&4 items on animal crossing using the map editor (very useful thread too btw, quite fun scaring my brother by blocking his gate with rocks and putting a second gate somewhere ) This is also your 2nd or 3rd identical post, please don't spam the forums like this.
Jason3, thanks for the info. I'll incorporate it into the guide and give you credit for it. Its pretty fun scaring people that you'll destroy their town.. and even better experimenting in your own town. There's some sweet glitches you can cause, like having all of the buildings connected somehow Also, snowman, you were suspended on your other account for these kind of posts. Please stay out of this one unless you have something constructive to contribute. You won't make friends in this thread, and I can tell you the moderators are gonna have a nice fun time deleting all of your posts. Thanks.
im sorry but i have no friends and i get picked on so please dont be cruel, animal crossing is all i think about all day and night, it's just so real
Guide has been updated with the address Jason3 submitted. Thanks again dude. as far as your comments go, snowman89, yeah I know this can ruin people's saves, which is why I said I would take it down if enough people requested it. Its up for informative purposes only, its not my responsibility how people use the guide, whether its to help another's town or destroy it, thats up to them. So whoever did that to you is a pretty bad person and you should take it up with them, not me.
sheesh, snowman89 has gone, couldn't even type in English, never mind human. kids today.. ...anyway, i've removed his/her/it's pointless posts so this thread can get back on track
thanks creaky.. and LMAO at what you wrote for him i know that wasn't original text.. he can't write that well..
More codes for Danger Level 3 + 4: 00211-00225 are burried red turnips (00211 smallest and 00225 biggest) 00226 is "not used?". 00252 is "(left over hole)" 00253 is "not used" 00254 is "(fake hole)" 00255 is "(plant?) 00166 is "fake hole" [bold]00027 is "Rafflesia"[/bold]
updated the page. Also found something cool: AnimalMap version 1.4 (NOT 1.4B) is the latest version that does NOT filter out your game save! meaning all the danger items you have will remain even if you use this program. Definitely worth using in my opinion. Sure, there aren't some of the cooler features of 1.4B and 1.5, but I think thats a fair trade to make it hassle free keeping your danger items. For those who don't know, 1.4B+ will filter out your danger items - meaning if you have any, once you load the save it will remove them. If you don't press FINAL SAVE, you wont change anything, but if you do all of those danger items you hacked will be gone and you will have to do that all over again.
Also, Ver 1.4 tells you what item it is when you click "what is it", instead of saying "unknown or dangerous".
Does anyone know the hex code for Gracie's car? And also does anyone have the Gracie car seed. I'm interested in one. Thanks
If you go into the "advanced world edit" function, and click on Gracies car.. you will get a 4 digit hex code for it. Before the code, there should be a $. If you can give me that code, I can tell you what the decimal number is (or if you know how to use a scientific calculator.. you can find it yourself )
The code is: $5021 oh, and by the way, can you tell me how to get the decimal code with a scientific calculator?
yup. if you're using windows (im using XP so instruction are based on this).. your calculator is located at Start>All Program>Accessories>Calculator When it launches, you *should* see a very small calculator.. with maybe 16 or 18 buttons on it at most. This is the decimal calculator. Click on View.. and click on Scientific Now you should see a ton more buttons. In the top left area, you will see HEX,DEC,OCT,BIN. You need to work with DEC and HEX. You gave me the hex code 5021 for Gracies car. Click on HEX. Then type in 5021, and then click DEC. 20513 is your code you stick into cheat engine You can do the same backwards too.. changing decimal to hex, etc